PHRO is a comprehensive PHP Route/Router library class, PHRO, that allows for defining and handling HTTP routes in PHP applications.
- The library supports defining routes for different HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) with the ability to add custom methods.
- It uses URL pattern matching, including support for URL parameters (denoted by @param), to determine which route should be invoked based on the request URL and method.
- The root() function dynamically generates the base URL for the application, considering whether HTTPS is enabled.
- Organize routes into groups for better organization and code readability.
- Automatically extract route parameters from the URL.
- The fetchIPInfo() function gathers detailed IP information (private and public) from multiple external services. It maps API responses to a standard format, including location details (latitude, longitude), ISP, city, and country information.
- If an API returns valid JSON data, it is processed and merged into the internal $params array for later use.
- The userAgentInfo() function attempts to extract the browser and device information from the HTTP_USER_AGENT header using regular expressions for popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera, and Internet Explorer.
- The library handles URL trimming and splitting based on / and supports dynamic routes using @param in the URL, allowing for flexible route definitions with parameters.
- Routes are matched against the current HTTP request method (GET, POST, etc.) and the URL pattern. If a route matches, the corresponding callback function is executed.
- The method match() does the heavy lifting by comparing the requested URL and method to defined routes, supporting dynamic segments.
- It uses curl to send HTTP requests to external IP information services with a timeout mechanism for better reliability in case of delays or failures.
- Execute a callback function when no route is matched.
- Encrypt and decrypt data using a secret key.
To create a PHRO instance and define routes:
PHRO::initialize('/your/default/path'); // Optional: Set a default path for routes
PHRO::key('your_secret_key'); // Set encryption key
PHRO::get('/hello', function() {
echo "Hello, World!";
PHRO::post('/api/user', function() {
// Handle POST request to /api/user
PHRO::group('/api', function() {
PHRO::get('/users', function($params) {
// Routes within this group will be prefixed with '/api'
PHRO matches routes based on URL patterns and HTTP methods:
// Define a route with parameters
PHRO::get('/user/@id', function($params) {
$userId = $params['id'];
// Fetch user data based on $userId
// Listen for incoming requests
PHRO::listen(function() {
echo "404 Not Found";
You can define routes for custom HTTP methods using the add() method:
PHRO::add('OPTIONS', '/api/user', function() {
// Handle OPTIONS request to /api/user
You can define a callback function to handle 404 Not Found errors:
PHRO::listen(function() {
echo "404 Not Found";
Get all defined routes with full link and method:
Decrypts encrypted data.
// Make sure set encryption key
// Decrypt data
$decryptedData = PHRO::decrypt($params['encryptdata']);
- PHRO::initialize(): Initializes the router with an optional default path.
- PHRO::key(): Sets or retrieves the encryption key.
- PHRO::root(): Returns the base URL of the application.
- PHRO::get(): Defines a route for GET requests.
- PHRO::post(): Defines a route for POST requests.
- PHRO::put(): Defines a route for PUT requests.
- PHRO::patch(): Defines a route for PATCH requests.
- PHRO::delete(): Defines a route for DELETE requests.
- PHRO::add(): Defines a route for a custom HTTP method.
- PHRO::group(): Defines a group of routes with a shared prefix.
- PHRO::routes(): Returns an array of defined routes.
- PHRO::decrypt(): Decrypts encrypted data.
- Replace your_secret_key with a strong, unique key.
Let me know if you'd like to add more features or refine specific parts of this library!