Category | Value |
Address | Saleae, Inc. |
Phone | +1 (510) 984-2463 |
U.S. Tax ID Number | 35-2530870 |
Unique Entity ID (UEI) | YLV3BL7JC9K5 |
Dun & Bradstreet Number | DUNS #: 048959933 |
CAGE Code | 7PR74 |
Canadian GST / PST Number | 770324515RT0001 |
Our W-9 Form can be downloaded below.
{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/Saleae W9 Form (1).pdf" %} Saleae W9 Form {% endfile %}
The Saleae VAT number you refer to will depend on what country the order was shipped to. Please see the table below. Usually, Saleae's VAT number is needed for tax purposes, so please ensure you refer to the correct one. Please contact us for any questions.
For Orders Delivered To... | Saleae VAT Number |
Czech Republic | CZ684355461 |
Germany | DE315984287 |
France | FR06837502848 |
Italy | IT02547550208 |
Poland | PL5263209510 |
Spain | N4009013F |
United Kingdom | GB281123235 |
Netherlands | NL826132844B01 |
Slovakia | SK4120186664 |
All other European countries | NL826132844B01 |
Yes, we are SAM registered as a small business.