- Make sure you're still signed in into Saleor by refreshing the page
- Make sure you're using correct App token in your Vercel configuration
- You have to generate the app token as described in the Vercel deployment guide
- You cannot use the token from "Local apps", the token has to be connected with your installed Checkout App
- Reinstall the app in Saleor
- Uninstall the app in Saleor Dashboard
- Install the app again
- Generate new App token
- Update Vercel environment variables with new value of
- Redeploy the app, don't use the "Redeploy with existing Build Cache" option
Check solutions for "Unauthorized" error
- Check country you're providing in checkout as shipping address
- It must be assigned to a shipping zone
- Check your shipping zone (Dashboard > Configuration > Shipping Methods):
- If it has a country assigned that you're using in checkout as shipping address
- If it has any shipping rate configured that:
- If it's assigned to the same channel as your checkout
mutation { checkoutCreate( input: { channel: "default-channel" # <- Channel slug must be the same as in shipping zone # ... ) { checkout { channel } } }
- If it's assigned to the same warehouse as products in your checkout
- If it has a country assigned that you're using in checkout as shipping address
- Check the warehouse that has the products from your checkout (Dashboard > Configuration > Warehouses)
- Make sure you've enabled payment methods in Checkout App configuration
- Make sure you've configured payment gateway API keys
- Make sure you're using correct App token in your Vercel configuration
- Check solutions for "Unauthorized" error
The checkout was turned into an order in Saleor, thus deleting checkout session. You need to create a new checkout session.
Check in your project settings if you have "Include source files outside of the Root Directory in the Build Step" option enabled:
Check in your project settings if you've correctly selected the Root Directory.
If you need to know what Root Directory should be set, check the deployment guide for: