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[2019 02 12] Log: Ongoing improvements' discussions

Imran Iqbal edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 2 revisions

This is a (temporary) page to capture ongoing discussions had about improvements that can be made to SaltStack Formulas. The idea is for this content to be processed into separate (permanent) pages for planning and decision-making purposes.


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there seems to have a lot of recent and interesting discussions, here or on github, about formulas, so I’ll give my 2 cents too. (edited)
I think the main thing missing is versioning, and the corresponding tool to manage your formulas dependencies.
I’m not sure the actual way to use it with GitFS is ideal because you need to do it in the master config file
Puppet/Chef have tools like librarian-puppet which lets you have a "requirements" file containing your list of formulas and constraints about versions.
The 'librarian' tool reads this requirements and generate a .lock file containing all the dependencies trees
You commit the requirements and .lock in your repository, push it and deploy it, using the tool to install dependencies listed in the .lock, with each exact version.
You are then sure to have the exact same version between your dev, staging and prod environment
That’s today my main 'problem' with how formulas are actually managed and used. (edited)
(I don’t really know about SPM, doc is sparse but I’m interested to read more about it, if you can point me somewhere) (edited)

Daniel Wallace


We could build that lock file into spm



When I read about SPM it seems more targeted to package formulas than managing versioning and deployment

Javier Bértoli


@daks, same happened to me when I 1st moved from puppet/chef to salt: Wanted a way to specify formulas' versions and didn’t find one. Read SPM but didn’t see the right tool, so I begun forking the formulas I use, and stick to my own copies. It’s not solution for regular users, though 😐



At the moment that’s what we do, vendor it in our repo. We think about using GitFS with our own forks

Daniel Wallace


Spm doesn’t do it right now, but it could. And that is probably what we should use.

Javier Bértoli


+ > At the moment that’s what we do, vendor it in our repo. We think about using GitFS with our own forks

My solution is 'somewhat' convoluted, but let’s me have my own versions while contributing and all. What I did is:
1. Have my own gitolite local server
2. Fork formula_X from saltstack-formulas to my own github site (netmanagers)
3. git clone formula_X from netmanagers
4. Add formula_X’s empty repo to gitolite
5. Add a remote tracking branch to upstream (saltstack-formulas)
6. Add a remote tracking branch to gitolite ('locals')
7. Use gitfs pulling from my gitolite server

All this is a few commands the 1st time. Then, with that setup, I can just:

a. git remote update to get upstream changes
b. git push to locals to get my local formulas updated and used by my salt servers
c. git push to netmanagers to submit a PR 🙂

Javier Bértoli


not the best solution, but works nice. eager to get a better one, tough 😄

Imran Iqbal


@Javier Bértoli I’ve had something similar, except using the excellent [GitBucket]( instead of Gitolite.
GitBucket - A Git platform
GitBucket is a Git platform powered by Scala with easy installation, high extensibility & GitHub API compatibility
And salt-formula can be used to do steps 1-7 pretty much automatically, via. pillar(!) configuration.
Hopefully, this rigmarole can be avoided if we can get the versioning and SPM working.



but yeah, coming from a puppet ecosystem, I find the maturity level of formulas' ecosystem, perfectible (edited)
the other good and bad point is the centralization of most formulas on saltstack-formulas organization.
Good because no more abandoned formulas
Bad because no one is really responsible of code, no roadmap or specific need which drives development

Imran Iqbal


Well, that’s what all these recent discussions have been about. Trying to put together that roadmap.



ok great! Are those discussions happening here or elsewhere?

Imran Iqbal


Just GitHub and Slack so far. Collecting the plans in the main project:

Dominik Bessler


Could using SDB and specifically the yaml sdb module be a Solution for the Pillar Problematic
If I have this, I can do a config.get instead of a pillar.get and get the same values.
It also seems to me that config.get will go through pillar / config / grains and see if the value is there

Imran Iqbal


I have no familiarity with SDB so far, so I can’t offer anything about that.

Dominik Bessler



cat /etc/salt/minion.d/sdb.conf
 driver: yaml
  - /etc/salt/sdb/file.yaml
  strategy: smart
data: sdb://yaml/data

Imran Iqbal


One issue I’ve had with config.get is that there can be limitations in specific cases. For example, only one postgres.port value can be set and that’s no good if you need to host multiple PostgreSQL servers on one machine.
That may have no relation to this issue at all. I’m just mentioning that config.get wasn’t enough in that specific situation.

Dominik Bessler



Imran Iqbal


But thanks for sharing the idea.
Hopefully, someone else with more familiarity with SDB can comment.

Dominik Bessler


I have been working on a few methods that we can use for external data instead of using pillar

Imran Iqbal


Where was most of the data being stored?

Dominik Bessler


we are using Pillarstack
I was also able to change that module so that it works as SDB Module
by adding a few lines

Imran Iqbal


I don’t believe we can specifically select Pillarstack across all formulas; we have to allow for any choices to be made. But in terms of these YAML files, where do they end up?

Dominik Bessler


The Yaml file for the SDB Yaml Module can be anywhere I think
like on each minion
I think I may need to create something written with examples

Imran Iqbal


Sounds like an idea worth considering.
Yes, that would be useful for evaluation purposes.

Dominik Bessler


Here is an example on how the Pillarstack Module can be used as SDB Module

PillarStack_SDB Module
This is an Idea on how this Pillar Module could be used as a SDB Module.
The basic premise is that the pillar data will distributed via the file state to the minions

Show more
claudekenni/pillarstack_sdbAdded by GitHub

Daniel Wallace



Imran Iqbal


Thanks, I’ll add that to the plans so that it can be evaluated.
@gtmanfred Any thoughts about this idea?

Daniel Wallace


sdb is a great idea

Dominik Bessler


Most of the other Ideas I had were quite specific to our Environment so I can’t really share that

Daniel Wallace


since it offloads the load from the master to the minion as well

Imran Iqbal


Would this be alongside or instead of TOFS?

Daniel Wallace


basically, you would just include your stack in your fileroots or other fileserver backend
which is basically what TOFS is anyway

Imran Iqbal


I’m sure @aboe is familiar with Pillarstack. He’d have a good idea of how this would work alongside what we’ve currently planned.
Thanks for this effort @Dominik Bessler!

Dominik Bessler


The good part about this Module is that you can easily adjust it via adding files / folders and the configuration

Imran Iqbal


Are you familiar with the TOFS pattern? Have you tried integrating the two methods together?

Dominik Bessler


I only just read about it today while poking around in here.
Currently I’m tasked with getting rid of our extensive pillar data so I will likely look into how I can integrate these

Imran Iqbal


It would be great if you could report back your findings here.

Dominik Bessler


will do

Imran Iqbal


Fantastic, appreciate it.