- Warning if blaze availability check has non-200 HTTP status
- Fix Dockerfile for ./dev/focusdev build and ENDPOINT_URL in README.md
- Querying EUCAIM API v1
- CQL generation supports empty AST of an arbitary debth
- Add SQL query for the public SIORGP dashboard for the NeoMatch project
- Fix and rename the SQL query for the public SIORGP dashboard for the MetPredict project
- Laplace-rs version 0.5.0 (includes a statrs breaking change)
- Allow Zlib license
- EHDS2 query support
- Separated exporter API key CLA from authorization header CLA
In this release, we are supporting 4 types of SQL queries for Exliquid and Organoids
- Allowlist of SQL queries
In this release, we are extending the supported data backends beyond CQL-enabled FHIR stores. We now support PostgreSQL as well. Usage instructions are included in the Readme.
- PostgreSQL support added
This is the initial release of Focus, a task distribution application designed for working with Samply.Beam. Currently, only Samply.Blaze is supported as an endpoint, but other endpoints can easily be integrated.