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+# A shiny app for exploring regression relations on mtcars data
+## Introduction
+This app creates custom regression model for **mtcars** dataset.
+The user can choose one of the following workflows.
+1. The user can choose the **Select best model** option. In that case,
+ the user may choose the number of variables to be selected for the
+ model. The code will use adjusted R squared value to choose the best
+ model restricted by the number of variables.
+2. The user can create the model by choosing the variables to be used.
+ The best model will be chosen from the set of all possible models
+ that these variables can generate.
+The options to choose the variables are given in the left panel. The
+residual statistics are also generated.
+## Packages used
+1. shiny
+2. shinyjs
+3. leaps
+4. dplyr
+5. ggplot2
+6. gridExtra
+7. grid
+## Residual diagnostics
+A sample of residual statistics is given below. The diagnostic plot
+1. Residual vs Fitted Plot
+2. Normal Q-Q plot
+3. Scale-Location plot
+4. Cook’s distance
+5. Residual vs Leverage Plot
+6. Cook’s distance vs Leverage
+ *h**i**i*/(1−*h**i**i*)
+![Residual diagnostics](Residual_diag.PNG)
+## Reference
+1. [Playing with ggplot2](https://rpubs.com/therimalaya/43190) by Raju
+ Rimal
+2. Weisberg, S., 2005. [Applied linear
+ regression](http://www.ru.ac.bd/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2019/03/304_03_Weisberg-Applied-Linear-Regression-Wiley-2013.pdf)
+ (Vol. 528). John Wiley & Sons.
+3. [Shiny](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/shiny/index.html)
+4. [leaps: Regression Subset
+ Selection](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/leaps/leaps.pdf)