Feel free to create a PR if you have any ideas for improvements. Or create an issue.
- When adding code, make sure to add tests for it (phpunit).
- Make sure the code adheres to our coding standards (use php-cs-fixer to check/fix).
- Also make sure PHPStan does not find any bugs.
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
vendor/bin/phpstan analyze
vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
These tools will also run in GitHub actions on PR's and pushes on master.
use PCextreme\CloudSdkPhp\CloudSdk;
$cloudSdk = new CloudSdk('your-pcextreme-api-key', 'your-pcextreme-account-uuid');
$cloudSdk->listServers(); // list all servers under your account
The endpoints that are currently implemented are not all existing endpoints. If you need an other endpoint to be implemented, create an issue or open a PR. 🙂
- Deploy server
- List servers
- Show server
- Server details
- Upgrade server
- Upgrade server
- Detach rescue ISO server
- Attach rescue ISO server
- Reboot server
- Start server
- Stop server
- Delete server
- Get current RAM usage for account
'pcexterme-offer-uuid', // check the listOffers method to get this id.
'pcexterme-template-uuid', // check the listTemplates method to get this id.
'pcexterme-datacenter-uuid' // check the listDatacenters method to get this id.
This will return the ID of the created server:
'id' => 'aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee'
This will return an array having all servers attached to your account.
'id' => 'aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee',
'display_name' => 'display_name',
'status' => 'Running',
'rescue_iso_attached' => false,
'has_security_group' => true,
'created_at' => '2020-04-02T09:50:13+00:00',
'updated_at' => '2020-04-02T09:50:13+00:00',
You can also check out a specific server.
'id' => 'aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee',
'display_name' => 'display_name',
'status' => 'Running',
'rescue_iso_attached' => false,
'has_security_group' => true,
'created_at' => '2020-04-02T09:50:13+00:00',
'updated_at' => '2020-04-02T09:50:13+00:00',
You could use this call to fetch data from the underlying Cloudstack system.
Check out the cloudstack docs to see all the available information.
"id" => "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee",
"name" => "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee",
"displayname" => "Name",
"account" => "3",
"userid" => "ad09ecc3-0356-4fva-ab42-d3dee2b08d82",
"username" => "3",
"domainid" => "6f243d98-7f2f-4276-9381-68e2a76f8b33",
"domain" => "3",
"created" => "2019-12-04T10:10:28+0100",
"state" => "Running",
"haenable" => false,
"zoneid" => "10c85e3a-b499-4b73-a78d-f2f48ca2a3ba",
"zonename" => "zone03.ams02.cldin.net",
"templateid" => "50ea3730-6cf4-47c2-9663-387d16fa8c72",
"templatename" => "Ubuntu 18.04.2",
"templatedisplaytext" => "Ubuntu 18.04.2 20GB",
"passwordenabled" => true,
"serviceofferingid" => "53a3b7ab-8f9f-4ee1-b289-db70a29168aa",
"serviceofferingname" => "pcx_standard_custom",
"cpunumber" => 16,
"cpuspeed" => 2000,
"memory" => 65536,
"cpuused" => "0.11%",
"networkkbsread" => 898116,
"networkkbswrite" => 40097,
"diskkbsread" => 672,
"diskkbswrite" => 4583328,
"memorykbs" => 67108864,
"memoryintfreekbs" => 67005920,
"memorytargetkbs" => 67108864,
"diskioread" => 168,
"diskiowrite" => 346239,
"guestosid" => "4ba6aae8-a4a1-11e9-814e-5254000588f7",
"rootdeviceid" => 0,
"rootdevicetype" => "ROOT",
"securitygroup" => [
"id" => "a259a05b-8ea8-4fb0-97fb-9735261de5cb",
"name" => "epic-vm","account" => "3",
"ingressrule" => [],
"egressrule" => [],
"tags" => [],
"virtualmachineids" => [],
"nic" => [
"id" => "b707be76-7f82-44d0-b900-9fbdaba591bc",
"networkid" => "a0234ec3-bdb6-46b8-80a1-37144d7c3928",
"networkname" => "Guest Network 1",
"netmask" => "",
"gateway" => "",
"ipaddress" => "",
"isolationuri" => "vxlan:\/\/500",
"broadcasturi" => "vxlan:\/\/500",
"traffictype" => "Guest",
"type" => "Shared",
"isdefault" => true,
"macaddress" => "1e:00:1f:00:00:72",
"ip6gateway" => "2a05:1500:600::1",
"ip6cidr" => "2a05:1500:600::\/64",
"ip6address" => "2a05:1500:600:0:1c00:1fff:fe00:72",
"secondaryip" => [],
"extradhcpoption" => [],
"hypervisor" => "KVM",
"details" => [
"cpuNumber" => "16",
"memory" => "65536",
"cpuSpeed" => "2000",
"memoryOvercommitRatio" => "1.0",
"cpuOvercommitRatio" => "4.0",
"rootdisksize" => "1280",
"rootDiskController" => "scsi"
"affinitygroup" => [],
"isdynamicallyscalable" => true,
"ostypeid" => "4ba6aae8-a4a1-11e9-814e-5254000588f7",
"tags" => []
In the case that you want to upgrade an existing server, you can use upgradeServer.
Note that the VM must be stopped when you run this.
'pcexterme-offer-uuid' // check the listOffers method to get this id.
Rescue ISO's can be used to salvage a broken server.
Rescue ISO's can be used to salvage a broken server.
Note: there is a grace period within Cloudstack. So the data will not be immediately lost.
Accounts are limited on resources by default. You can retrieve your current resource usage using this method.
If you wish to broaden your limits, contact PCextreme.
'ram' => 1 // in GB's
Before you deploy or upgrade a server, you must retrieve the offer ID that you want to use.
'id' => 'aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee',
'account_id' => null, // Contains your account ID in the case of a custom offering.
'billing_period' => 12, // Billing period in months
'price' => 9990, // Price in cents.
'type' => 'usage',
'sku' => 'compute_standard_2gb',
'name' => 'server',
'description' => 'server',
'show_in_store' => 0,
'specifications' => [
// Filled with specifications depending on the offering.
'created_at' => '2020-04-02T09:50:13+00:00',
'updated_at' => '2020-04-02T09:50:13+00:00',
For a deployment, you also need to know what datacenter to deploy in.
The response also contains the availability of standard and HA VM's. These are two different types of storage, the difference between the two VM's can also be identified based on the offer data.
'id' => 'aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee',
'name' => 'ams01',
'description' => 'Amsterdam',
'city' => 'ams',
'country' => 'nl',
'timezone' => 'Europe/Amsterdam',
'standard_enabled' => true,
'ha_enabled' => true
The templates used for VM deployments are predefined and can be seen using listTemplates.
'id' => 'aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee',
'display_name' => 'Fedora 30',
'os' => 'fedora',
'version' => 30,
'created_at' => '2020-04-02T09:50:13+00:00',
'updated_at' => '2020-04-02T09:50:13+00:00'
The templates used for VM deployments are predefined and can be seen using listTemplates.
"id" => "d11c06f5-ff1c-41cd-8fc9-1ebcb3084501",
"display_name" => "An example (No SG)",
"datacenter_id" => "36616598-8e93-4118-a03c-94f99e5e1169",
"manager" => "man.zone03.ams02.cldin.net",
"cidr_ipv4" => "",
"cidr_ipv6" => "2a05:1500:600:4::/64",
"created_at" => "2019-09-09T08:58:05+00:00",
"updated_at" => "2019-09-09T08:58:05+00:00"
If you wish to open a browser based console, you can use this method to generate a URL.
'url' => 'www.test.nl'