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 > @nostrwatch is in heavy development. Legacy nostr.watch is **in maintenance mode**.
 # @nostrwatch 
-nostr.watch discovers, monitors and indexes nostr relays, and then publishes the results in the form of NIP-66. There are many shared packages between agents and clients. The ones that are useful external to nostr.watch are in `./libraries` and purpose built packages are in `./internal`. 
+A Typescript stack for monitoring, auditing, describing and validating anything related to nostr relays. `@nostrwatch` is an [OpenSats](http://opensats.org) grant recipient.
+# packages
+| package                     | type     | description                                                                                                      | status | web | server | cli | notes                                                 |
+| @nostrwatch/gui             | webapp   | NIP-66 nostr client.                                                                                             | alpha  | ✓   |        |     |                                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/trawler         | agent    | Scraps all of the known nostr-verse for relays, sanitizes and dedupes them.                                      | alpha  |     | ✓      |     | rewrite imminent                                      |
+| @nostrwatch/nocapd          | agent    | Persistently checks relays on a regular interval with many configuration options.                                | alpha  |     | ✓      |     | rewrite imminent                                      |
+| @nostrwatch/nip66           | library  | Library that manages NIP-66 aggregation control flow and provides utilities that help conform to NIP-66          | alpha  | ✓   | ✓      |     |                                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/auditor         | library  | Checks relays against their advertised supported nips and runs a variety of passive validations along the way.   | alpha  | ✓   | ✓      | ✓   |                                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/nocap           | library  | Extensible library for checking relay liveness via websocket and optionally fetches geodata, SSL, NIP-11 and DNS | alpha  | ✓   | ✓      |     |                                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/schemata        | library  | JSON-Schemas for low-level protocol JSON, note kinds, protocol messages and NIP-11 information documents.        | alpha  | ✓   | ✓      |     |                                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/schemata-js-ajv | library  | Library that wraps ajv and @nostrwatch/schemata to simplify validation of nostr json payloads.                   | alpha  | ✓   | ✓      |     |                                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/websocket       | internal | Isomorphic Websocket wrapper                                                                                     | beta   | ✓   | ✓      |     |                                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/utils           | internal | Variety of utilities that are shared between many packages.                                                      | beta   | ✓   | ✓      |     |                                                       |
+| @nostwatch/announce         | internal | Basic library for monitor 10166 announcement.                                                                    | alpha  | ✓   | ✓      |     | rewrite imminent                                      |
+| @nostrwatch/nwcache         | internal | LMDB wrapper for agent data                                                                                      | beta   |     | ✓      |     | needs attention                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/publisher       | internal | Handles publishing of nostr events                                                                               | alpha  |     |        |     |                                                       |
+| @nostrwatch/logger          | internal | Logger library used throughout all packages                                                                      | beta   |     | ✓      |     | will be replaced with logger from @nostrwatch/auditor |
+| @nostrwatch/controlflow     | internal | Manages backoff and BullMQ queues                                                                                | beta   |     | ✓      |     | will be nuked after @nostrwatch/nocapd rewrite.       |
+| @nostrwatch/seed            | internal | Manages seeding of relays from a variety of different sources.                                                   |        |     |        |     |                                                       |
+# development
+`@nostrwatch` will be open to contributions after the agents have been rewritten, contribution guidelines have been established and documents are in place for all apps, agents and libraries
-# Stack
-## agents 
-- **trawler** - finds new relays to monitor
-- **nocapd** - monitors relays and publishes NIP-66 events
-## gui
-- **nostr.watch** - early stages
-## libraries 
-- **nocap** - Runs basic checks on relays.
-- **kit** - Attempts to simplify the process of aggregating NIP-66 events (overkill for general use!)
-- **idb** - Purpose built IDB for more advanced NIP-66 usage (overkill for general use!)
-### Development 
-a `CONTRIBUTE.md` will exist somewhere down the road. Since it's early stage, many details are not yet established, but here some details that are:
-1. Primary branch for development @nostrwatch:next is `next`. Legacy is on `main` and the workflows are still functional for patches and legacy maintenance headaches. 
-2. Branching model: TBD (Trunk Based Development), trunk branch is `next` for early stage. Early alpha there will be long-standing branches for packages that are not yet in next. Once `@nostrwatch:next` reaches beta `next` will become `main` and there will be `trunk` branch.
-3. GH Actions will be used for CI/CD
-4. Issues will be reserved for actionable items, such as bugs. Anything requiring discussion lives in discussion until it's promoted to an issue. 
-5. PRs should be opened as a draft. When the PR is ready to be published commits should be squashed.
-git clone https://github.com/sandwichfarm/nostr-watch.git
-cd ./nostr-watch
-yarn bootstrap
-yarn install 
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