For more visually attractive display, refer the image based file here
Day 1:
- Pledge taken ✔️
- Completed Lesson 2 of "Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch"
- Continued Lesson 1 of Challenge course
- Motivated @labknr98
Day 2:
- Completed Lesson 3 of "Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch"
- Checked Lesson 1 of Challenge course
- Motivated @vipul.captureart @smogal95 @ltruncel @honeyjindgar @michael092001. Happy Learning
Day 3:
- Studying Lesson 4 of ud188 (Deep learning with PyTorch)
- Checked few videos of lesson 1 of challenge course
- Motivated my friends @vivanksharma @shaswatsunny1998 @ishanarora24 to keep going 🙂
Day 4:
- Read paper for #reading_paper_discuss channel as tomorrow is the deadline. Link -
- Watched some videos of the challenge course
- Completed Lesson 4 of ud188
- Discussed about a project with
- Motivated @ltruncel@aisha.jv70@sauravkumarsct@mikaelaysanchez@r.pretelt16@srivastava41099@jenashubhangi20@mary.romanenko@akueisara39@atulawasthi1299@smogal95@vipul.captureart@sid.panda99@arkachkrbrty@adventuroussrv@labknr98@bharati.frnds@sharjeel400@anshutrivedik@mhnpta@ayushjain.te15. Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂
Day 5:
- Read paper for #reading_paper_discuss channel and gave the quiz. Got only 40 out of 100.
- Started Lesson 5 of ud188
- Motivated @ltruncel @aisha.jv70 @sauravkumarsct @mikaelaysanchez @r.pretelt16 @srivastava41099 @jenashubhangi20 @mary.romanenko @akueisara39 @atulawasthi1299 @smogal95 @vipul.captureart @sid.panda99 @arkachkrbrty @adventuroussrv @labknr98 @bharati.frnds @sharjeel400 @anshutrivedik @mhnpta@ayushjain.te15. Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂
Day 6:
- Had my first virtual meeting with people from the same college (I am lucky to have them).
- More frequent local meetups soon as we will reach college (Vacation ending )
- Motivate my project team mates for starting awesome projects (had some initial discussions regarding projects).
- Team 1:
- Team 2: @aniketthomas27@anshutrivedik@abhishekverma1610@bhadreshpsavani@deepakdk2431@gogulaanand02@noticetoworld
- Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @labknr98@sauravkumarsct@mikaelaysanchez@mary.romanenko@atulawasthi1299@vipul.captureart@adventuroussrv@labknr98@bharati.frnds@anshutrivedik@ayushjain.te15@george.christ1987, @lexie,, @taz.taimur, @tracyeadams, @preriec, @fridarode00, @ahkhalwai55.
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. Special thanks to @taz.taimur for lightning speed Transcripts 🙂.
All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂. Be motivated 🙂
Day 7:
✔️ Working on lesson 5 (CNN) of ud188 (Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch)
✔️ Watched some earlier videos to clear some doubts
✔️ Checked some blogs and articles about CNN. One of them was -
✔️ Checked calendar and noted some important events that I will be participating. Link -
:good-luck: Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. Huge thanks to - :congrats: @labknr98@sauravkumarsct@mikaelaysanchez@mary.romanenko@atulawasthi1299@vipul.captureart@adventuroussrv@bharati.frnds@anshutrivedik@ayushjain.te15@george.christ1987, @lexie,, @taz.taimur, @tracyeadams, @preriec, @fridarode00, @ahkhalwai55, @ash3ax, @elie.wanko@manishajhunjhunwala7@shashi.gharti@swapnil6195@workwithpurpose@aniketmitra1997@rumanubhardwaj
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively 🙂. All the best. 🙂
Be motivated 🙂
Special shoutout to those who have completed Day 7 today. Cheers . Happy Learning 🙂
Day 8:
✔️ Attended AMA session and answered many questions. Glad that I got mentioned twice by @akshit for the correct answer.
✔️ Read 2 articles related to CNN as I am working on the ud188 course. Link 1 - Link 2 -
✔️ Created a group for all people interested in Kaggle competitions. Currently it has more than 70 members. We will be hosting virtual meetup on sunday. Link -
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @labknr98@sauravkumarsct@mikaelaysanchez@mary.romanenko@atulawasthi1299@vipul.captureart@adventuroussrv@labknr98@bharati.frnds@anshutrivedik@ayushjain.te15@george.christ1987, @lexie,, @taz.taimur, @tracyeadams, @preriec, @fridarode00, @ahkhalwai55, @ash3ax, @elie.wanko@manishajhunjhunwala7@shashi.gharti@swapnil6195@workwithpurpose@aniketmitra1997@pabloczul
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 8. 🙂
Day 9:
✔️ Revised Pytorch and read some related articles. Link for one of them -
✔️ Attended one virtual meetup for our Study Group All the best to my team #sg_cognitive-learners and team mates @oss71995@labknr98@maydev22@sharmaanix@ashishiva3@nasipurisoumya@sushil79g@mhmohona
✔️ Participated in answering questions in #general channel and other channels.
✔️ My post became part of the Digest of #busy_or_overwhelmed channel. Glad to contribute. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @labknr98@sauravkumarsct@mikaelaysanchez@mary.romanenko@atulawasthi1299@vipul.captureart@adventuroussrv@labknr98@bharati.frnds@anshutrivedik@ayushjain.te15@george.christ1987, @lexie,, @taz.taimur, @tracyeadams, @preriec, @fridarode00, @ahkhalwai55, @ash3ax, @elie.wanko@manishajhunjhunwala7@shashi.gharti@swapnil6195@workwithpurpose@aniketmitra1997@pabloczul@sarahhelena.barmer
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 9. 🙂
Day 10:
✔️ Read some articles for pytorch
✔️ Went through some cheatsheets as I was mostly busy today. Hardly got an hour of time. 🙂 Link -
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren_Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 10. 🙂
Day 11:
✔️ Read the paper we (#sg_cognitive-learners) will work on Link -
✔️ Also checked some articles related to the above project so that I can start working. 🙂
✔️ Attended virtual meeting with @Vivank Sharma @Ishan Arora @Shaswat Srivastava
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren_Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 11. 🙂
Day 12:
✔️ Read the paper we (#sg_cognitive-learners) will do our project on, and planned on the workflow. 🙂 Link -
✔️ Virtual meeting scheduled for discussing above mentioned project and detailed specifications 🙂 #sg_cognitive-learners
✔️ Attended AMA session and answered some questions. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren_Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 12. 🙂
Day 13:
✔️ Read the paper. 🙂 Link -
✔️ Meeting and discussions regarding the project on #sg_cognitive-learners . Referred some articles for proceeding. 🙂
✔️ My first day at college after vacation. Switching from Ubuntu to Windows. Installed some basic softwares and libraries required for the project and course. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren_Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 13. 🙂
Day 14:
✔️ Finalised the installations for anaconda and installed the required libraries. Also tested my previous projects and started working on the course once again.
✔️ Started the first project of #sg_cognitive-learners HotDog Classification : level - Begginer It is a simple image classification task where we need to classify from an image whether it contains hotdog or not. 🌭
✔️ Sorry for being inactive since the last few days. Was busy in shifting the luggage and finalising my hostel. Will be much active from tomorrow.
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren_Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 14. 🙂
Day 15: (25% done) 👍
✔️ Watched some videos of Lesson 1. Coded for the same.
✔️ Started the first project of #sg_applied_dl Titanic 🚢
✔️ Will attend the AMA at 6:30PM GMT as the 11:30PM GMT one was cancelled. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 15.
Day 16:
✔️ Formed group for #sg_cognitive-learners including @Sankalp Dayal @Archit @Calincan Mircea Ioan Beginner - Hotdog or not: It is a simple image classification task where we need to classify from an image whether it contains hotdog or not. 🌭 Resource:
✔️ Discussed about the project of Hogdog classification. Will start coding soon. 🙂
✔️ Read some articles to get overview of the first project of #sg_applied_dl Titanic 🚢
✔️ Attended the AMA of today early midnight. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 16. 🙂
Day 17: :heavy_check_mark: Created repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel Link -
✔️ Reinstalled Windows in my laptop due to some technical issue in the software. Still working on the updates. 🙂
✔️ Read some articles for pytorch environment setup. 🙂 Just referenced for some guidance. 🙂 Link -
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂. Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 17. 🙂
Day 18: :heavy_check_mark: Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel Link -
✔️ Practiced some codes of lesson 1 Executed 2 jupyter notebooks for the code and dubegged the errors. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 18. 🙂
Day 19:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel Link -
✔️ Practiced some codes of lesson 1 Executed 1 jupyter notebooks for the code and dubegged the errors. 🙂
✔️ Attended the AMA session by @akshit.udacity and @Palak.Udacity and helped my friends with some answers
✔️ Currently watching the live webinar AMA with Robert Wagner | Secure & Private AI Challenge Scholarships
✔️ Read some articles for warmup and gain some motivation to continue forward 🙂
Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 19. 🙂
Day 20: (1/3rd completed)
On Day30, I will share something special that I have got from Udacity. 🙂 Be ready. 🙂 It will obviously be related to celebration 🙂
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel Link -
✔️ Completed the assignments given by the company for selection as an intern (I can't share that.). Happy news is that I am now selected as an intern and the duration is of 2 months.
✔️ Discussed and planned for a meetup tomorrow to discuss our progress and views on the project that we are working in #sg_cognitive-learners channel beginners group Members are - @Sankalp Dayal @Archit @Sayed Maheen Basheer @Calincan Mircea Ioan @Joanna Gon @Soumya Nasipuri @Marwa Be ready tomorrow at 9:00 PM IST 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Mitra @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 20. 🙂
Day 21:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel Link -
✔️ Organised virtual meetup but only 2 of us (@Joanna Gon and me, @Sankalp Dayal)were there out of @Sankalp Dayal @Archit @Sayed Maheen Basheer @Calincan Mircea Ioan @Joanna Gon @Soumya Nasipuri @Marwa I had to wait for more than half hour. 😞
✔️ Searched some projects related to pytorch for my college projects. 🙂 Will share details when finalised. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Thomas @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Stark @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 21.
Day 22:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel Link -
✔️ Attended Virtual Meetup with the reading papers club( #reading_paper_discuss ) (@Abhishek Tandon@Ingus Terbets@Sarah Majors@Sayed Maheen Basheer@Nicolas Araque @Sankalp Dayal@Nirupama Singh @Droid) where we discussed the paper on Generative Adversarial Networks and got to learn a lot from the implementations
✔️ Watched week 1 videos and gave 1st quiz of week1 on data science course Link - This is a part of the specialization by IBM
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Thomas @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga@Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Vivank Sharma @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Stark @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed@Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 22. 🙂
Day 23:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Revisited some videos from lesson 1 and some blogs. Watched for more than 2 hours. 🙂
✔️ Missed the meetup with my college friends @Vivank Sharma @Shaswat Srivastava @Ishan Arora due to heavy schedule of classes. Will be conducting one tomorrow to discuss some topics and share our progress and achievements. Really excited. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Thomas @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga@Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Stark @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho@Aisha Javed@Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Pranjal Chaubey @PaulBruce @Govind Dixit
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 23. 🙂
Day 24:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Watched some videos from lesson 1 🙂
✔️ Attended virtual meetup and payed the Kahoot quiz. Got the rank in Top5. 🙂
✔️ Scheduled meetup with my college friends @Vivank Sharma @Shaswat Srivastava @Ishan Arora for tomorrow. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Labiba @sourav kumar @Mika @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Ayush Jain @George Christopoulos, @Aleksandra Deis, @Archit, @Taimur Zahid, @Tracy Adams, @EPR, @Frida, @Halwai Aftab Hasan, @Stark, @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Anna Scott @Aniket Thomas @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga@Helena Barmer @Ivy @Erika Yoon @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Amina Assouane @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Stark @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani @Anish Pandey @Sushil Ghimire @Mohona @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Ana @Shahana @Vigneshwari @Munira Omar @Fustincho@Aisha Javed@Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Pranjal Chaubey @PaulBruce @Govind Dixit
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 24. 🙂
Day 25:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Worked on Hot Dog project and read kernel sent by @Shudipto Trafder Link -
✔️ Attended virtual meetup with my college friends as I was busy during the local meetup. We had some discussions regarding our projects and discussed some ideas and improvements about them. 🙂 Members from the meetup - @Vivank Sharma @Ishan Arora @Shaswat Srivastava
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 This is new list based on the progress on #60daysofudacity channel. 🙂 Do post your progress. I am waiting for them @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden New member whose work is highly inspirational - @Ayesha Manzur Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Shahana @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit @Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora Fastest people on the group (Currently on Day 25)- @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon @Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy @Karan Kishinani @Dammy @Berenice @Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S. @Arka @Hung @Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 25. 🙂
Day 26:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Working on Hot Dog project and followed kernel sent by @Shudipto Trafder Link - Created a kernel for my codes 🙂
✔️ Worked on 1 notebook from the lesson and watched some videos for the same. Also debugged some errors that came on my way. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 This is new list based on the progress on #60daysofudacity channel. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi@Shahana @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit @Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy @Berenice @Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S. @Arka @Hung @Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 26. 🙂
Day 28:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Read some artcles and watched videos related to DeepRacer challenge
✔️ Read article - Improve Deep Learning Models performance & deep network tuning 🙂 Link -
✔️ Applied for Qualcomm Student Accelerator 2019 Link -
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 This is new list based on the progress on #60daysofudacity channel. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi@Shahana @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT@Arunn@Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy @Berenice @Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S. @Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 28. 🙂
Day 30: (50% completed)
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Watched some videos from the challenge course
✔️ Wrote some code and debugged the errors.
✔️ Read article - Natural Language Processing vs Natural Language Understanding: What’s The Difference 🙂 Link -
✔️ Read Article - 9 Tips For Training Lightning-Fast Neural Networks In Pytorch Link -
✔️ Sharing my 30daysofudacity badge which I got few weeks ago for completing the 30 days challenge. Glad to get this and share with you all as a source of motivation. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 This list is based on the progress on #60daysofudacity channel. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha@Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi@Shahana @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy @Berenice @Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 30. 🙂
Day 31:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Finished my current lesson. Will start next lesson. 🙂
✔️ Participated in the hackathon. Sentiment Analysis Link -
✔️ Read article - Best AI, ML & Data Science Blogs To Follow In 2019 🙂 Out of all, I follow Analytics Vidhya the most. 🙂 Link -
✔️ All in one - Data Science Cheatsheet I have starred this repo. Must check this. Link - Shared by @Aditya Sharma
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 This list is based on the progress on #60daysofudacity channel. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis@EPR@Varez.W@Manisha@Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi@Shahana @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon@Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura@Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy @Berenice @Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 31. 🙂
Day 32:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Watched some videos of next lesson 🙂
✔️ Started coding in the hackathon. Sentiment Analysis Link -
✔️ Read some articles related to sentiment analysis - Sentiment Analysis using LSTM (Step-by-Step Tutorial) Link - Simplifying Sentiment Analysis using VADER in Python (on Social Media Text) Link -
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 This list is based on the progress on #60daysofudacity channel. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi@Shahana @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur @Mohona @Ellyana Linden @Mubashir @Aniket Thomas Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy @Berenice @Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @akshu18
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 32. 🙂
Day 34:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Watched some Videos. Completed lesson 2.
✔️ Read Paper - RAPPOR: Randomized Aggregatable Privacy-Preserving Ordinal Response Link -
✔️ 7 Habits of Highly Effective Programmers Link -
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Mubashir@Aniket Thomas Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane@Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @akshu18
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 34. 🙂
Day 36:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Attended AMA and answered many questions. it was nice to see some of the questions I had 🙂
✔️ Joined Math Blogging Competition along with @Aniket Mitra, @Labiba, @Mohona, @Calincan Mircea Ioan, @Diganta, @sourav kumar, @Agata [OR, USA] @Archit. #sg_dlstarguys
✔️ Completed upto lesson 5. Working on some projects. 🙂
✔️ Building a chatbot for interactive question and answers related to all the technical and non technical queries related to this scholarship. Will be completed by Saturday 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Mubashir@Aniket Thomas Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane@Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan@akshu18
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 36. 🙂
Day 37:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Watched some videos of lesson 6. Sppeding up to complete the course. Some projects are also along the way. 🙂
✔️ Prepared for AWS challenge. 🙂 Will start working on that also 🙂
✔️ Building a chatbot for interactive question and answers related to all the technical and non technical queries related to this scholarship. Will be completed by Saturday 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Mubashir@Aniket Thomas Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane@Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce@Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan@akshu18
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 37. 🙂
Day 39:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Started the AWS course and navigated through the AWS console. 🙂
✔️ Intro to AWS Deepracer 🙂 Link -
✔️ Someone has the past experience. Have a look. 🙂 Link -
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Mubashir@Aniket Thomas Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane@Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari@PaulBruce@Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy@Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan@akshu18
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 39. 🙂
Day 40:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Watched videos of federated learning.
✔️ Intro to AWS Deepracer. Got to know about the entire process of how the scholarship works.
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Mubashir@Aniket Thomas Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane@Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari@PaulBruce@Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy@Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan@akshu18
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 40. 🙂
Day 41:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Worked on Style Transfer Project. Finally got one awesome pic. used the brain photo as used by many of my friends. 🙂
✔️ Few people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 I want to tag @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana Some super active and helpful people- @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR@Varez.W@Manisha @Shashi Gharti@Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma@Mayank Devnani@barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @Ayesha Manzur @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Mubashir@Aniket Thomas Fastest people on the group - @sourav kumar @Stark @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane@Sushil Ghimire@Vigneshwari@PaulBruce@Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura@Olivia@LauraT@Arunn@Andy@Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma@Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S.@Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan@akshu18
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 41. 🙂
Day 42:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️ Watched videos from federated learning and implemented one notebook for the same 🙂
✔️ One awsome dataset for visualization. 🙂 Link -
✔️ Register for the event by Udacity. Check more from the link below. 🙂 Link -
✔️ Some people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden @Ayesha Manzur @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis @EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri @PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Shahana @Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit @Andzelika Balyseviene @Ishan Arora @sourav kumar @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott @Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon @Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh @Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy @Karan Kishinani @Dammy @Berenice @Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S. @Arka @Hung @Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @José Fonceca @Mubashir @Aniket Thomas @akshu18 @Rumanu @S.c @ayivima @Deasy Indrawati @Alexander Villasoto @Madison Estabrook (DL, FE, USA) @Sayed Maheen Basheer @Anju Mercian @Mahedi @Droid @Yujin @Dishin Goyani @nesreensada @happycoder354 @Qurat Ul Ain Fatima @Apoorva Patil @Tumi @Akash Antony @Rana Tallal @Abhishek Tandon @Abhishek Lalwani @crazylazylife @Nazmul @Krishna Chari @James Korge @Kapil Chandorikar @Carlo David @Agata [OR, USA] @Marwa @Prateek Thakare @Aakanksha Dhurandhar @Hitoishi Das @risper bevalyn @Julie Fang @susyjam @Ricardo Pretelt @Alejandro Galindo @Aditya kumar @Joyce Obi @Joy Poddar @Arka @Kholoud Hemmat @Poornima Venkatraman @Ingus Terbets @Victor Cabrejos @Irene0000 @Heather A @Susanne Brockmann @David Ashraf @EA Sara @José Fonceca @Mahak Bansal @Samrat Pyaraka @Antonio @iso. @cibaca @Jaiki Yadav @Aditya Rakhecha @Deepak @Nikita Sukhwal @Gabriela Urquieta @Ziad Esam Ezat @Biswajit Banerjee @Akshay Pal @Artur Freitas Gonçalves @Jinyi Tan @Yemi @Ankit Vashisht @Aisha Khatun @THIYAGARAJAN R @Rajib Mondal @Erin Hu @Mateusz @Krunal
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 42. 🙂
Day 43:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️Completed the federated learning lesson. Watched all videos and wrote some code in notebook 🙂
✔️ Attended the AMA session that was held today. Answered some questions. 🙂
✔️ Started on the X-ray project of #sg_spai-health . Hope to get some awesome results 🙂
✔️ Some people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Ayesha Manzur @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi @Aleksandra Deis@EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri @Apoorv Agnihotri@PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors @Evi @Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit @Andzelika Balyseviene@Ishan Arora @sourav kumar @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan @Stark @Anna Scott@Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon @Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal @Nirupama Singh@Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy @Karan Kishinani @Dammy @Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S. @Arka @Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @José Fonceca @Mubashir @Aniket Thomas @akshu18 @Rumanu @S.c@ayivima @Deasy Indrawati @Alexander Villasoto @Madison Estabrook (DL, FE, USA) @Sayed Maheen Basheer @Anju Mercian @Mahedi @Droid @Yujin @Dishin Goyani @nesreensada @happycoder354 @Qurat Ul Ain Fatima @Apoorva Patil @Tumi@Akash Antony @Rana Tallal @Abhishek Tandon @Abhishek Lalwani @crazylazylife @Nazmul @Krishna Chari @James Korge @Kapil Chandorikar @Carlo David @Agata [OR, USA] @Marwa @Prateek Thakare @Aakanksha Dhurandhar @Hitoishi Das @risper bevalyn@Julie Fang @susyjam @Ricardo Pretelt @Alejandro Galindo @Aditya kumar @Joyce Obi @Joy Poddar @Arka @Kholoud Hemmat@Poornima Venkatraman @Ingus Terbets @Victor Cabrejos @Irene0000 @Heather A @Susanne Brockmann @David Ashraf @EA Sara@José Fonceca @Mahak Bansal @Samrat Pyaraka @Antonio @iso. @cibaca @Jaiki Yadav @Aditya Rakhecha @Deepak @Nikita Sukhwal @Gabriela Urquieta @Ziad Esam Ezat @Biswajit Banerjee @Akshay Pal @Artur Freitas Gonçalves @Jinyi Tan @Yemi @Ankit Vashisht @Aisha Khatun @THIYAGARAJAN R @Rajib Mondal @Erin Hu @Mateusz @Krunal
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 43. 🙂
Day 44:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️Worked on the #sg_pytorch-robotics project. Link -
✔️ Read some article on federated learning Link - And some more
✔️ Some people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Ayesha Manzur @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal @Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi@Aleksandra Deis@EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri@PRAXS @Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi @Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene@Ishan Arora @sourav kumar @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark @Anna Scott@Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon @Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh@Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy @Karan Kishinani @Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S. @Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @José Fonceca @Mubashir @Aniket Thomas @akshu18 @Rumanu@S.c@ayivima @Deasy Indrawati @Alexander Villasoto @Madison Estabrook (DL, FE, USA) @Sayed Maheen Basheer @Anju Mercian@Mahedi @Droid @Yujin @Dishin Goyani @nesreensada @happycoder354 @Qurat Ul Ain Fatima @Apoorva Patil@Tumi@Akash Antony @Rana Tallal @Abhishek Tandon @Abhishek Lalwani @crazylazylife @Nazmul @Krishna Chari @James Korge@Kapil Chandorikar @Carlo David @Agata [OR, USA] @Marwa @Prateek Thakare @Aakanksha Dhurandhar @Hitoishi Das @risper bevalyn@Julie Fang @susyjam @Ricardo Pretelt @Alejandro Galindo @Aditya kumar @Joyce Obi @Joy Poddar @Arka @Kholoud Hemmat@Poornima Venkatraman @Ingus Terbets @Victor Cabrejos @Irene0000 @Heather A @Susanne Brockmann @David Ashraf@EA Sara@José Fonceca @Mahak Bansal @Samrat Pyaraka @Antonio @iso. @cibaca @Jaiki Yadav @Aditya Rakhecha @Deepak@Nikita Sukhwal @Gabriela Urquieta @Ziad Esam Ezat @Biswajit Banerjee @Akshay Pal @Artur Freitas Gonçalves @Jinyi Tan @Yemi@Ankit Vashisht @Aisha Khatun @THIYAGARAJAN R @Rajib Mondal @Erin Hu @Mateusz @Krunal
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 44. 🙂
Day 45:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️Watched Deep Q learning is Easy in PyTorch (Tutorial) Link -
✔️ Deep Reinforcement Learning Webinar by @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto. Thanks for the video. Link -
✔️ Some people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Ayesha Manzur @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal@Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi@Aleksandra Deis@EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri@PRAXS@Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi @Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene@Ishan Arora @sourav kumar @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark @Anna Scott@Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh@Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni @K.S. @Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @José Fonceca @Mubashir @Aniket Thomas @akshu18 @Rumanu@S.c@ayivima @Deasy Indrawati @Alexander Villasoto @Madison Estabrook (DL, FE, USA) @Sayed Maheen Basheer @Anju Mercian@Mahedi @Droid @Yujin @Dishin Goyani @nesreensada @happycoder354 @Qurat Ul Ain Fatima @Apoorva Patil@Tumi@Akash Antony @Rana Tallal @Abhishek Tandon @Abhishek Lalwani@crazylazylife @Nazmul @Krishna Chari @James Korge@Kapil Chandorikar @Carlo David @Agata [OR, USA] @Marwa @Prateek Thakare @Aakanksha Dhurandhar @Hitoishi Das @risper bevalyn@Julie Fang@susyjam @Ricardo Pretelt @Alejandro Galindo @Aditya kumar @Joyce Obi @Joy Poddar @Arka @Kholoud Hemmat@Poornima Venkatraman @Ingus Terbets @Victor Cabrejos @Irene0000 @Heather A@Susanne Brockmann @David Ashraf@EA Sara@José Fonceca @Mahak Bansal @Samrat Pyaraka @Antonio @iso. @cibaca @Jaiki Yadav @Aditya Rakhecha @Deepak@Nikita Sukhwal @Gabriela Urquieta@Ziad Esam Ezat @Biswajit Banerjee @Akshay Pal @Artur Freitas Gonçalves @Jinyi Tan @Yemi@Ankit Vashisht @Aisha Khatun @THIYAGARAJAN R @Rajib Mondal @Erin Hu @Mateusz @Krunal
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 45. 🙂
Day 46:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️Joined @Vebby and @Shudipto Trafder for project pneumonia. Will be making one kaggle notebook for our project. 🙂
✔️ Started lesson 7. Watched some videos. My target is to complete the course by 15th and this lesson by tomorrow. 🙂
✔️ Started my Image Inpainting project based on some research papers. Some others are also on the line. 🙂
✔️ Some people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Ayesha Manzur @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal@Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi@Aleksandra Deis@EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri@PRAXS@Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene@Ishan Arora @sourav kumar @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark@Anna Scott@Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce @Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh@Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S. @Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @José Fonceca @Mubashir @Aniket Thomas @akshu18@Rumanu@S.c@ayivima @Deasy Indrawati @Alexander Villasoto @Madison Estabrook (DL, FE, USA) @Sayed Maheen Basheer@Anju Mercian@Mahedi @Droid @Yujin @Dishin Goyani @nesreensada @happycoder354 @Qurat Ul Ain Fatima @Apoorva Patil@Tumi@Akash Antony @Rana Tallal @Abhishek Tandon @Abhishek Lalwani@crazylazylife @Nazmul @Krishna Chari @James Korge@Kapil Chandorikar @Carlo David @Agata [OR, USA] @Marwa @Prateek Thakare @Aakanksha Dhurandhar @Hitoishi Das@risper bevalyn@Julie Fang@susyjam @Ricardo Pretelt @Alejandro Galindo @Aditya kumar @Joyce Obi @Joy Poddar @Arka@Kholoud Hemmat@Poornima Venkatraman @Ingus Terbets @Victor Cabrejos @Irene0000 @Heather A@Susanne Brockmann@David Ashraf@EA Sara@José Fonceca @Mahak Bansal @Samrat Pyaraka @Antonio @iso. @cibaca @Jaiki Yadav @Aditya Rakhecha @Deepak@Nikita Sukhwal @Gabriela Urquieta@Ziad Esam Ezat @Biswajit Banerjee @Akshay Pal @Artur Freitas Gonçalves @Jinyi Tan @Yemi@Ankit Vashisht @Aisha Khatun @THIYAGARAJAN R @Rajib Mondal @Erin Hu @Mateusz @Krunal
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 46. 🙂
Day 47:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️Working on X-ray project for the project showcase 🙂
✔️ Completed lesson 7. Watched some videos. 🙂
✔️ Working on my Image Inpainting project based on some research papers. Some others are also on the line. 🙂
✔️ Some people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Ayesha Manzur @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal@Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi@Aleksandra Deis@EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri@PRAXS@Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene@Ishan Arora @sourav kumar @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark@Anna Scott@Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari @PaulBruce@Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh@Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy @Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S. @Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @José Fonceca @Mubashir @Aniket Thomas@akshu18@Rumanu@S.c@ayivima @Deasy Indrawati @Alexander Villasoto @Madison Estabrook (DL, FE, USA) @Sayed Maheen Basheer@Anju Mercian@Mahedi @Droid @Yujin @Dishin Goyani @nesreensada @happycoder354 @Qurat Ul Ain Fatima @Apoorva Patil@Tumi@Akash Antony @Rana Tallal @Abhishek Tandon @Abhishek Lalwani@crazylazylife @Nazmul @Krishna Chari @James Korge@Kapil Chandorikar @Carlo David @Agata [OR, USA] @Marwa @Prateek Thakare @Aakanksha Dhurandhar @Hitoishi Das@risper bevalyn@Julie Fang@susyjam @Ricardo Pretelt @Alejandro Galindo @Aditya kumar @Joyce Obi @Joy Poddar@Arka@Kholoud Hemmat@Poornima Venkatraman @Ingus Terbets @Victor Cabrejos @Irene0000 @Heather A@Susanne Brockmann@David Ashraf@EA Sara@José Fonceca @Mahak Bansal @Samrat Pyaraka @Antonio @iso. @cibaca @Jaiki Yadav@Aditya Rakhecha @Deepak@Nikita Sukhwal @Gabriela Urquieta@Ziad Esam Ezat @Biswajit Banerjee @Akshay Pal @Artur Freitas Gonçalves @Jinyi Tan @Yemi@Ankit Vashisht @Aisha Khatun @THIYAGARAJAN R @Rajib Mondal @Erin Hu @Mateusz @Krunal
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Day 48:
✔️ Updated repo on github for 60 days of udacity(#60daysofudacity) channel 🙂 Link -
✔️Working on X-ray project. Improved accuracy by 7% and final one is 83%. Still improving 🙂 Along with @Shudipto Trafder @Vebby
✔️ Started last lesson and halfway through. Want to complete by tomorrow so that I can focus on projects.
✔️ Meetup with #sg_pytorch-robotics people organised by @Helena Barmer. It was awesome to discuss some topics that was a doubt for someone. Thanks all to all. Attendees: @Elena Kutanov @Ankur Bhatia @cibaca @Suparna S Nair @Jess @Sayed Maheen Basheer @Stanislav Ladyzhenskiy @Shashi Gharti @Nirupama Singh @susyjam @Ebinbin Ajagun @Ayesha Manzur @Sushil Ghimire @Helena Barmer
✔️ Some people who are super active on slack and always ready to help others. I also want to motivate them. 🙂 @Mika @Ayush Jain @Taimur Zahid @Pablo Carmona - Zuluaga @Vivank Sharma @Anish Pandey @Ana @Mohona @Ellyana Linden@Ayesha Manzur @Labiba @Maria @Aren Stark @Vipul Aggarwal@Sourav @Bharati Subramanian @Anshu Trivedi@Aleksandra Deis@EPR @Varez.W @Manisha @Shashi Gharti @Aniket Mitra @Ivy @Juan Carlos Kuri Pinto @Soumya Nasipuri@Apoorv Agnihotri@PRAXS@Ashish Shrivastava @Oudarjya Sen Sarma @Mayank Devnani @barabash @annaSWE @Sarah Majors@Evi@Shahana@Munira Omar @Fustincho @Aisha Javed @Sajjad Manal @Pranjal Chaubey @Joanna Gon @Govind Dixit@Andzelika Balyseviene@Ishan Arora @sourav kumar @George Christopoulos @Archit @Tracy Adams @Frida @Halwai Aftab Hasan@Stark@Anna Scott@Helena Barmer @Erika Yoon@Amina Assouane @Sushil Ghimire @Vigneshwari@PaulBruce@Sayali_Kutwal@Nirupama Singh@Siddharth Srivastava @Jess @Seeratpal K. Jaura @Olivia @LauraT @Arunn @Andy@Karan Kishinani@Dammy@Berenice@Samuela Anastasi @Sabrina @erinSnPAI @Shivam Raisharma @Elena Kutanov @Khush @Urvi Soni@K.S. @Arka@Hung@Bearbear @Mariia Denysenko @Akshay Rajmohan @José Fonceca @Mubashir @Aniket Thomas@akshu18@Rumanu@S.c@ayivima @Deasy Indrawati @Alexander Villasoto @Madison Estabrook (DL, FE, USA) @Sayed Maheen Basheer@Anju Mercian@Mahedi @Droid @Yujin @Dishin Goyani @nesreensada @happycoder354 @Qurat Ul Ain Fatima@Apoorva Patil@Tumi@Akash Antony @Rana Tallal @Abhishek Tandon @Abhishek Lalwani@crazylazylife @Nazmul @Krishna Chari@James Korge@Kapil Chandorikar @Carlo David @Agata [OR, USA] @Marwa @Prateek Thakare @Aakanksha Dhurandhar @Hitoishi Das@risper bevalyn@Julie Fang@susyjam @Ricardo Pretelt @Alejandro Galindo @Aditya kumar @Joyce Obi @Joy Poddar@Arka@Kholoud Hemmat@Poornima Venkatraman @Ingus Terbets @Victor Cabrejos @Irene0000 @Heather A@Susanne Brockmann@David Ashraf@EA Sara@José Fonceca @Mahak Bansal @Samrat Pyaraka @Antonio @iso. @cibaca @Jaiki Yadav@Aditya Rakhecha @Deepak@Nikita Sukhwal @Gabriela Urquieta@Ziad Esam Ezat @Biswajit Banerjee @Akshay Pal @Artur Freitas Gonçalves @Jinyi Tan @Yemi@Ankit Vashisht @Aisha Khatun @THIYAGARAJAN R @Rajib Mondal @Erin Hu @Mateusz@Krunal
Thanks for being super active and tagging others to participate actively. 🙂. All the best to all. Happy learning 🙂.
Be motivated 🙂 I not only motivate others but motivating others also makes me happy and motivated. 🙂
Huge shoutout to all those who are also on Day 48. 🙂