diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 85d9579..8df636b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,36 +5,23 @@
+## Variables
+- variable is a container = stores in RAM
+- variable names can start with $ or _ or letter ..... not number
+- Harry !=(not equal) harry
-Types of Scopes
-- let
-- var
-- const
-variable is a container = stores in RAM
-variable names can start with $ or _ or letter ..... not number
-Harry !=(not equal) harry
-- let = initialization is optional
-- cont = initialization is Required
-- var = initialization is optional
+- Types of Scopes
+ 1. let
+ 2. var
+ 3. const
+ - let = initialization is optional
+ - cont = initialization is Required
+ - var = initialization is optional
-| | Block scoped | Hoisting | Reassignment | Initialization |
+| | Block scoped | Hoisting | Reassignment | Initialization |
let | Yes | No | Yes | Optional |
var | No | Yes | Yes | Optional |
@@ -42,31 +29,23 @@ const | Yes | No | No | Required |
-# 7 Premitive DataTypes
-N - null
-N - number
-S - symbol
-S - string
-B - boolean
-B - bigint
-U - undefined
-Examles :-
-let a = null;
-let b = 345;
-let c = true; // can also be false
-let d = BigInt("567") + BigInt("3")
-let e = "Harry"
-let f = Symbol("I am a symbol")
-let g;
+# Primitive DataTypes
+# Primitive DataTypes
+ 1. null
+ 2. number
+ 3. symbol
+ 4. string
+ 5. boolean
+ 6. bigint
+ 7. undefined
+- Examles :-
+ - let a = null;
+ - let b = 345;
+ - let c = true; // can also be false
+ - let d = BigInt("567") + BigInt("3")
+ - let e = "Harry"
+ - let f = Symbol("I am a symbol")
+ - let g;
var x = null; null = kuch to hai
var y; undefined = kuch nai hai , Hona/Na hona Barabar hai
@@ -74,69 +53,65 @@ var y; undefined = kuch nai hai , Hona/Na hona Barabar hai
console.log(typeof x); = Give the type of variable
-# Objects // (These are same as Dictionary in Python) Key : Value Pairs
-To access value from it we can use :
+# Objects
+- To access value from it we can use :
1. objectname.key
2. objectname["Keyname"]
# Arithmetic Operators
- +
- -
- *
- **
- /
- %
- ++
- --
+ - \+
+ - \-
+ - \*
+ - **
+ - /
+ - %
+ - ++
+ - \--
# Assignment Opeartors
- =
- +=
- -=
- /=
- %=
- *=
- **=
- # Comperision Operators
-= Assigns a value to variable // Assignment Operator
-== Equal to (does not checks the typeof variables)
-!= Not Equal to (does not checks the typeof variables)
-=== Equal value & Equal DataType
-!== Not Equal to & Not Equal Type
+ - =
+ - +=
+ - -=
+ - /=
+ - %=
+ - *=
+ - **=
+ # Comparision Operators
+- = Assigns a value to variable // Assignment Operator
+- == Equal to (does not checks the typeof variables)
+- != Not Equal to (does not checks the typeof variables)
+- === Equal value & Equal DataType
+- !== Not Equal to & Not Equal Type
+ 1. \>
+ 2. <
+ 3. \>=
+ 4. <=
# Logical Operators
-&& Logical and
-|| Logical or
-! Logical not
+- && Logical and
+- || Logical or
+- ! Logical not
# Comments in JS
-/* Multiline Comment */
+- // Singel line comment
+- /* Multiline Comment */
# Conditional Statements
1. if
else (condition){
-2. Nested if
+2. Nested ifs
-else if (){
+else if (condition){
@@ -144,12 +119,11 @@ else{
3. Ternary Operator
- ```
+ ```js
condition? expression1:expression2;
4. Switch Case
case "1":
@@ -165,11 +139,7 @@ switch(var){
# To print in JS
1. prompt("output") // Take input from user in prompt (In Launching)
2. alert("output") // Show Alert box (In Launching)
3. console.log("output") // Print output in console
@@ -179,49 +149,59 @@ switch(var){
7. document.getElementById("demo") = "output" // Return output to HTML
+# TypeCasting
+- convert from one type to the other
a = Number.parseInt(a); // Convert string to a number
-a = parseInt(a); // Convert string to a number // Latest
+a = parseInt(a); // Convert string to a number
# Loops
### 1. for
for(initialize; condition ; increment){
//code to be executed
### 2. for in
-Iterates/Works over the values of an object
-Loop running count = Number of elements in the object
- Example:-
- const dict = {
- water : "pani",
- lens :"Chasma",
- bag : "BAsta",
- mobile : "Phone"
- };
- 1. To print all the keys of elements of object
+- Iterates/Works over the values of an object
+- Loop running count = Number of elements in the object
+- Example:-
+const dict = {
+ water : "pani",
+ lens :"Chasma",
+ bag : "BAsta",
+ mobile : "Phone"
+1. To print all the keys of elements of object
+ ```js
for (let anyword in dict){
+ ```
2. To print all the values of elements of object
+ - Example 1 :
+ ```js
for (let anyword in dict){
+ ```
- Example 2 :-
+ - Example 2 :-
+ ```js
let name = "sanskar";
for(let a in name){
- Gives:-
+ ```
+ - Gives:-
+ ```
@@ -229,125 +209,130 @@ Loop running count = Number of elements in the object
+ ```
### 3. for of
-Iterates/Works over the values of an iterable object
+- Iterates/Works over the values of an iterable object
+- Example 1:
let name = "sanskar";
for(let a of name){
- Gives:-
- s
- a
- n
- s
- k
- a
- r
- Example2:-
+- Gives:-
+- Example2:-
let name = ["s","a","n","s","k","a","r"]
for(let i of name){
### 4. while
// code to be executed
### 5. do while
- do{
- //code to be executed
- }while(condition);
+ do{
+ //code to be executed
+ }while(condition);
-# Function // Reusable block of code that performs Specific tasks
- Return Statement is only needed only if you want to print/use the value of variable outside function.
+# Function
+- Reusable block of code that performs Specific tasks
+- Return Statement is only needed only if you want to print/use the value of variable outside function.
1. Function without parameters
function funcName(){
// code to be executed
funcName() //calling the function to use it
2. Function with parameters
function myFunc(a,b){
// code to be executed having the use of parameters
+- Example:-
function myFunc(x, y) {
return (x + y);
### Arrow Function
-* After Arrow Function
+* Before Arrow Function
funcName = function() {
return "Hello World!";
-* Before Arrow Function
+* After Arrow Function
funcName = () => {
return "Hello World!";
-* - Arrow Functions Return Value by Default // This works only when function has only one statement
+* Arrow Functions Return Value by Default // This works only when function has only one statement
funcName = () => "Hello World!";
# Strings
1. "Hello my value is " + a //double quotes
2. 'Hello my value is ' + a //Single Quotes
-3. `Hello my value is ${a}` //Backticks
+3. \`Hello my value is ${a}` //Backticks
//Template Literals = We can add variables to strings using template literals
4. Escape Sequences (length of these are 1 in total)
- "Hello\nWorld" // \n = creates a new line
- "Hello\tWorld" // \t = creates a tab
- "Hello\'World" // \' = creates a single quote
- "Hello\"World" // \" = creates a double quote
- "Hello\\World" // \\ = creates a double quote
+ - "Hello\nWorld" // \n = creates a new line
+ - "Hello\tWorld" // \t = creates a tab
+ - "Hello\'World" // \' = creates a single quote
+ - "Hello\"World" // \" = creates a double quote
+ - "Hello\\World" // \\ = creates a double quote
# [String Methods](https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_string.asp)
1. strName.at(index) OR strName[index] // Return index charctor from string
-6. strName.charAt(index) // returns the character at a given index // Better option
-6. strName.charCodeAt(index) // returns the unicode of character at a given index
-6. strName.fromCharCode(CharCodeOfString); // returns the string from unicode of character
-15. strName.endsWith("") // check weather the string ends with specific value
-13. strName.includes("") // check weather the string contain any specific value
-1. strName.indexOf() // returns the index of first occurrence the given string
+2. strName.charAt(index) // returns the character at a given index // Better option
+3. strName.charCodeAt(index) // returns the unicode of character at a given index
+4. strName.fromCharCode(CharCodeOfString); // returns the string from unicode of character
+5. strName.endsWith("") // check weather the string ends with specific value
+6. strName.includes("") // check weather the string contain any specific value
+7. strName.indexOf() // returns the index of first occurrence the given string
* Example
* strName.indexOf("s")
- strName.indexOf("s" , 6) // Start searching string from 6th index
-1. strName.lastIndexOf() // returns the index of last occurrence the given string
-1. strName.length() // To get the length of the string
-1. strName.localeCompare(text2); // Compare two strings - Returns -1 , 0 , 1
-1. strName.match(/string/) // If given string found then it returns the string
+8. strName.lastIndexOf() // returns the index of last occurrence the given string
+9. strName.length() // To get the length of the string
+10. strName.localeCompare(text2); // Compare two strings - Returns -1 , 0 , 1
+11. strName.match(/string/) // If given string found then it returns the string
* Example
let strName = "The rain in SPAIN stays mainly in the plain";
- console.log(strName.match(/ain/))
- - Gives = ["ain"]
+ //- Gives = ["ain"]
- console.log(strName.match(/ain/g)) //Search globally + Case sensitive
- - Gives = ["ain", "ain", "ain"]
+ //- Gives = ["ain", "ain", "ain"]
- console.log(strName.match(/ain/gi)) //Search globally + Case in-sensitive
- - Gives = ["ain", "AIN", "ain", "ain"]
+ //- Gives = ["ain", "AIN", "ain", "ain"]
1. strName.padEnd(l, x)
@@ -389,102 +374,101 @@ So , todays tasks areee......ae tu ja reee
12. strName.trimEnd() // removes whitespace from End of a string
14. strName.startsWith("") // check weather the string starts with specific value
16. strName.split("separator"); // String converted into Array, the separator is omitted
- Example:-
+- Example:-
+ ```js
let text = "a,b,c,d,e,f";
let myArray = text.split(",");
- Gives:-
- c
+ ```
+- Gives:-
+ ```
+ c
+ ```
# Arrays DataType = objects
-const array = []
-let array = []
+- const array = []
+- let array = []
# Array Methods
1. arrName.length
2. arrName.toString() // Convert to string
3. arrName.join() // Merge array items by Adding value in middle , converts Array to String
- Example:-
- arrName = ["aa" , "bb" , 7]
- arrName.join("-") = Gives :- aa-bb-7
- arrName.join("8") = Gives :- aa8bb87
+- Example:-
+ ```js
+ arrName = ["aa" , "bb" , 7]
+ arrName.join("-") //= Gives :- aa-bb-7
+ arrName.join("8") //= Gives :- aa8bb87
+ ```
4. arrName.push() // Insert new element to array (at the end),Returns the length of the array.
+- Example:-
+ arrName = ["aa" , "bb" , 7]
+ arrName.push("cc")
- Example:-
- arrName = ["aa" , "bb" , 7]
- arrName.push("cc")
- Gives:- ['aa', 'bb', 7, 'cc']
+ Gives:- ['aa', 'bb', 7, 'cc']
+ ```
5. arrName.pop() // Removes last element of array, Returns the removed element
- Example:-
- 1. Bad way
- let arr = ["yogesh" , "nitin"]
- let pushed = console.log(arr.push("snskr")) // 3
- console.log(pushed) // undefined
- let popped = console.log(arr.pop()) // snskr
- console.log(popped) // undefined
- 2. Good Way
- let arr = ["yogesh" , "nitin"]
- let pushed = arr.push("snskr")
- console.log(pushed) // 3
- let popped = arr.pop()
- console.log(popped) // snskr
+- Example:-
+ 1. Bad way
+ ```js
+ let arr = ["yogesh" , "nitin"]
+ let pushed = console.log(arr.push("snskr")) // 3
+ console.log(pushed) // undefined
+ let popped = console.log(arr.pop()) // snskr
+ console.log(popped) // undefined
+ ```
+ 2. Good Way
+ ```js
+ let arr = ["yogesh" , "nitin"]
+ let pushed = arr.push("snskr")
+ console.log(pushed) // 3
+ let popped = arr.pop()
+ console.log(popped) // snskr
+ ```
6. arrName.shift() // removes first element of array, returns the removed element
7. arrName.unshift() // add a new elemnt to array (at the beginning), returns the new array length
- Example:-
- arrName = ["aa" , "bb" , 7]
- arrName.unshift("cc")
- helllo ji its me sanskar gupta
- Gives:- [ 'cc', 'aa', 'bb', 7 ]
+ - Example:-
+ ```js
+ arrName = ["aa" , "bb" , 7]
+ arrName.unshift("cc")
+ helllo ji its me sanskar gupta
+ Gives:- [ 'cc', 'aa', 'bb', 7 ]
+ ```
8. delete arrName[index of element] // delete a element from array and makes a empty space there
-9. concat() // Merge arrays
- Example:-
- 1.
+9. concat() // Merge arrays
+ - Example 1:
+ ```js
arrName = ["aa" , "bb" , 7]
arrName1 = ["cc" , 786]
arrName2 = ["bb" ,"$"]
let newlist = arrName.concat(arrName1 , arrName2)
+ ```
+ - Gives:- ['aa', 'bb', 7, 'cc', 786, 'bb', '$']
- Gives:- ['aa', 'bb', 7, 'cc', 786, 'bb', '$']
- 2.
+ - Example 2:
+ ```js
arrName = ["aa" , "bb" , 7]
+ ```
10. arrName.flat()
- Example:-
- ```
+ - Example:-
+ ```js
arrName = [[1,2],[3,[[[4]]]],[[5],6]]
- Gives:- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+ - Gives:- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
11. arrName.splice(x , y , "" , "" , "" , ..........)
- x= index where element to be added,
- y= how many elements should be removed,
- ""= new elements
+ - x= index where element to be added,
+ - y= how many elements should be removed,
+ - ""= new elements
12. arr.includes() // checks whether the argument element is exist in array or not.
- Returns, True or False.
+ - Returns, True or False.
# Array Sorting
1. namelist.sort() // sorts an array alphabetically
2. fruits.reverse(); // reverse the current array