In this repository I will be recording my progress from doing 100 days of code. I will be working on the Codecademy 'Computer Science' specialisation.
Day | Code | Daily reflections |
1 | Completed the Sal's Shipping project. | I went through my old Github repos, I'm surprised at how good past me was at coding. |
2 | Completed the Python Gradebook project and reviewed Python lists. | I watched a cosy Youtube study video to keep me motivated to study for 90 minutes or so. I realised how much I love making my README files look aesthetic. |
3 | Continued my review of Python lists in Codecademy. | With my PhD responsibilities, today was a low code day. |
4 | Completed the Len's Slice project focused on python lists. | Feeling tired from fitting in coding late at night, but enjoying seeing the green squares on my GitHub. |
5 | Continued study of Python, looked at tuples and the zip() function. | Feeling proud of myself for my progress so far. Learning to pace myself better, rather than going into code hyperfocus mode. |
6 | No code today! | Going to let myself have days off here and there and make up at the end if need be. |
7 | Went through Codecademy notes on loops in Python | I think this is one of the first Python concepts that is new to me. Maybe I just forgot learning this in the past. |