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Cluster configuration for my home lab

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Terraform modules, Helm charts, and some docker-compose files for running my homelab.

This consists of several services including (but not limited to):

  • PiHole
  • Plex
  • Photoprism
  • Logitech Media Server (LMS)
  • Unifi Controller
  • Media organization:
    • Radarr
    • Sonarr

I consider this lab a production environment, as it runs services which my family relies upon (namely, Photoprism).

Terraform modules can be found in tf and drive the majority of this setup. I run everything in a 3-node k8s cluster (Thinkcenter m900s). V1 of the lab was split into docker-compose and k8s, but with V2 I am migrating everything to k8s for simplicity. This is still an ongoing process.


Everything below was from the V1 README. I am leaving it in here while I migrate to my V2 config. Some of this will remain but most will disappear.

The configuration here is divided into three directories:

  • k8s
  • docker
  • edge

Services which only need to be accessed from my LAN are run via docker-compose. Anything that is public-facing is in a k8s cluster. Public access is provided via reverse proxy on a Linode server attached to my Tailscale network. Each service behind this proxy has individual login (for now, it's only Photoprism).

Terraform Variables

This repo contains the Terraform modules. I am running terragrunt from the env directories (i.e. prod/k8s), so variables are set using TF_VAR_foo in a direnv file. In the future, I may split the modules from the configuration to add those variables to (private) source control.

Docker Variables

export HOST=
export TIMEZONE=
export PUID=
export PGID=
export MUSIC_DIR=
export MOVIE_DIR=
export TV_DIR=
export PIHOLE_IP=


Docker and Docker Compose.

This configuration assumes you have a k3s cluster deployed with the default Traefik and load balancer configuration. Your ~/.kube/config should be configured to access this cluster.


Routing is achieved via wildcard hostnames: app.*. This allows apps to live at a relative root path.

Environment Variables

Variable Description
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Used to connect to AWS S3 to store Terraform's State
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Used to connect to AWS S3 to store Terraform's State


cd prod/k8s
terragrunt run-all apply
cd ../docker
docker-compose up -d


  • cert-manager / public access (via edge)
  • Traefik AUTH
  • Plex
    • Volume mounts
    • Transcoding
  • PiHole
  • Photoprism
  • Secondary Photoprism (sister-in-law - necessary because Photoprism doesn't yet have multiple library support)
  • LMS
  • Family dashboard
    • not sure what to do here yet...maybe a custom MagicMirror?
  • Backups
    • all locally mounted volumes (anything in ~/.docker)
    • Photoprism (docker): docker-compose exec -T photoprism photoprism backup -i - > photoprism-db.sql