This document describes the requirements to install a SAS Event Stream Processing eco-system in a simple Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster. It also provides a specific set of steps to create a simple GKE cluster.
For more detailed information about how to create an GKE cluster, please refer to the documentation.
IMPORTANT To use these notes, you must have experience with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
- A Kubernetes service (GKE)
- A NGINX Ingress controller
- A private Domain Name System (DNS) for the Google GKE
- A Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- An Google Container Registry (GCR) to store SAS Event Stream Processing containers
- The Google command line tools (gcloud)
To proceed, you must have gcp auth method credentials, be able to log in to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) through the GCP Management Console, and know how to use Google command line tools.
The following set of scripts are included to help create and manage GKE clusters with SAS Event Stream Processing.
This script creates a new GKE cluster. The cluster is created in the geographical location that you specify. A default NFS provider is created and associated with the cluster in order to provide a Read Write Many persistent volume (PV) that you can use for testing.
[bin]$ ./gcp-cluster -?
Usage: ./bin/gcp-cluster
required: -c <cluster name>
-p <gcp project>
-g <geographical location>
-d <domain for private DNS zone>
-f <file to write kubeconfig to>
optional: -n <number of node, default: 5>
-s <vm size, default: e2-standard-16>
When it completes, the script reports something like this:
Completed build of GKE cluster:""
GKE cluster: sckolo-cl
loadbalancer ip: xxx.yyy.zzz.ttt
KUBE CONFIG file: /mnt/data/home/sckolo/scottC-k8.conf
This script onboards a tenant to install SAS Event Stream Processing. Specifically, it does the following:
- Creates a namespace in GKE with the tenant name
- Creates a record of the form
in the private DNS
[bin]$ ./gcp-tenant -?
Usage: ./gcp-tenant
required: -p <GCP project> -t <tenant name>
-c <cluster name>
optional: -d [delete tenant]
When it completes, the script reports something like this:
Created Kubernetes namespace, private DNS record
You must add an alias record to DNS that points
<namespace>.<your domain> --> <GKE loadbalancer IP>
cluster namespace: <namespace>
bin/gcp-push -- Add Docker Images to Google Container Registry (GCR) (Creates a Script Named "gcp-images")
This script looks for the following environment variables:
Each environment variable needs to point to an accessible Docker image. The images are pulled, re-tagged, and pushed to the GCR. If the image contains snapshot or release, then snapshot/ or release/ is added to the repository name in the GCR.
[bin]$ ./gcp-push -?
Usage: ./gcp-push
required: -p <Google project>
This script prints the most recent set of SAS Event Stream Processing images in a GCR. The output is in a format that can be cut and pasted into a terminal window in order to set the IMAGE_XXX environment variables.
[bin]$ ./aws-get-images -?
Usage: ./aws-get-images
required: -p <Google Project>
optional: -P <prefix for repository> (snapshot | release)
(FOR SAS ONLY) bin/get-images -- Populate IMAGE_XXX Environment Variables from release/snapshot repulpmaster Repository
When sourced (that is, run as: . ./bin/get-images), this script goes to a SAS repulpmaster repository and populates the IMAGE_XXX environment with the latest Docker images.
[bin]$ . ./get-images -?
must be sourced, i.e. run as:
. ./bin/get-image [-R] | [-S]
if run as a script: ./bin/get-images [-R] | [-S]
env variables will not be set!
$ ./bin/gcp-tenant -c sckolo-cl -p solorgasub1 -t sckolo
creating K8s namespace
namespace/sckolo created
Created Kubernetes namespace, private DNS record
You must add an alias record to DNS that points -->
cluster namespace: sckolo
At this point you must enter an alias into a DNS server. You must point <tenant name>.<domain name> to
$ . ./bin/get-images -S
$ ./bin/gcp-push -p solorgasub1
This should push a full set of required docker images into your
container repository. It will create ./bin/gcp-images with the
list of images in exportable format.
Use this command to set al the env variable images in your shell:
$ ./gcp-get-images -P snapshot -p solorgasub1
$ . ./bin/gcp-images
Change to the GitHub esp-kubernetes/esp-cloud project directory.
$ ./bin/mkdeploy -l ../../LICENSE/SASViyaV0400_09QTFR_70180938_Linux_x86-64.jwt -n <tenant name> -d <domain name> -r -C -M -G
$ ./bin/dodeploy -n esp
$ kubectl -n esp get pods
espfb-deployment-57c5c4674f-d5x9v 1/1 Running 0 2m6s
oauth2-proxy-54d4bff8d9-n9nmq 1/1 Running 0 2m1s
postgres-deployment-6fb4b464c6-hlztb 1/1 Running 0 2m34s
sas-esp-operator-fd4654998-p6cn2 1/1 Running 0 2m3s
sas-event-stream-manager-app-6dbb9dcc-fg4wn 1/1 Running 0 2m2s
sas-event-stream-processing-client-config-server-6b8cfd798hftld 1/1 Running 0 84s
sas-event-stream-processing-metering-app-5df6647b58-ct4wj 1/1 Running 0 2m5s
sas-event-stream-processing-streamviewer-app-5d7478f878-qwq97 1/1 Running 0 2m1s
sas-event-stream-processing-studio-app-755c974645-vp8h7 1/1 Running 0 2m2s
Add a user account:
./bin/uaatool -u -C uaaUSER:uaaPASS -a