Blogging on technical topics? Having trouble getting code snippets formatted correctly?
How about putting your articles on GitHub and sharing the sources with the article? Better yet - deliver working code with the article, in the same repository, and really drive the point home with your readers.
Let’s get started.
Create a Repository for the Article
Write the Article in Ascii Doctor
Convert to GitHub Markdown
Commit and Push
Use GitHub’s UI to create the repository. Nothing special is needed here.
Note a major benefit to using a GitHub repository is the ease with which your readers will be able to try out your code. And if they want to build on it, they can easily fork the repository as well!
Add the discussions section, pull requests, and more - collaboration and building community is built-in.
Asciidoctor is a convenient format as it can easiy be converted into PDF, HTML, DOCX, and even GitHub Markdown.
We chose it before deciding to use GitHub to host the articles. Finding the conversion from Ascii Doctor to GitHub Markdown was a welcome find, eliminating the concerns with attempting to embed HTML in GitHub Markdown pages.
WARNING when converting to GitHub markdown, the title (top-level heading =
) is dropped by the pandoc
To work-around this issue, I recommend avoiding the top-level heading and starting with a second-level heading ==
Here is a Makefile that is included in this article’s repository; feel free to copy it if you like:
NOTE tabs are meaningful in Makefiles - make sure to retain the tab characters when copying the file (all of the indented lines in the example above use tabs).
# Clone via SSH
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd github-blog
# Use the "main" branch
$ git branch checkout -b main
# Add Source Files...
$ make
$ git add Makefile article.adoc
$ git commit
$ git push --set-upstream origin main
(c) 2023 Savoir Technologies