Hecate allows you to perform "CRUD" (create, read, update, and delete) operations in Cassandra using Plain 'Ole Java Objects (POJOs)!
For our examples, let's consider a simple "Person" class:
public class Person {
private String ssn;
private String lastName;
private String firstName;
// Getters/setters
The @PartitionKey annotation identifies a field as a member of the "partition key" of the table which will be used to store Person objects. The lastName and firstName fields will automatically be persisted.
PojoDao<Person> dao = pojoDaoFactory.createPojoDao(Person.class);
Person person = new Person();
PojoDao<Person> dao = pojoDaoFactory.createPojoDao(Person.class);
PojoDao<Person> dao = pojoDaoFactory.createPojoDao(Person.class);
Person person = ...;
PojoDao<Person> dao = pojoDaoFactory.createPojoDao(Person.class);
Person person = dao.findByKey("123456789");
PojoDao<Person> dao = pojoDaoFactory.createPojoDao(Person.class);
PojoMultiQuery<Person> query = dao.findByKeys();
QueryResult<Person> result = query.add("12345").add("67890").execute();
PojoDao<Person> dao = pojoDaoFactory.createPojoDao(Person.class);
PojoQuery<Person> query = dao.find().eq("lastName").build();
QueryResult<Person> smiths = query.execute("Smith");
PojoDao<Person> dao = pojoDaoFactory.createPojoDao(Person.class);
PojoQuery<Person> query = dao.find(where -> where.and(eq("last_name", bindMarker())));
QueryResult<Person> smiths = query.execute("Smith");
QueryResult<Person> people = ...;
// Get a single result
Person person = people.one();
// Get results as a list (all in memory)
List<Person> list = people.list();
// Iterate through results
Iterator<Person> iterator = people.iterate();
// Use Java 8 Streams API...
List<String> lastNames = people.stream().map(Person::getLastName).collect(Collectors.toList());
Creating a PojoDaoFactory can be as simple as:
Session session = ...;
PojoDaoFactory factory = new DefaultPojoDaoFactoryBuilder(session).build();
This will create a PojoDaoFactory with reasonable default settings. If you would like Hecate to automatically create the schema for you, you can use a CreateSchemaListener:
Session session = ...;
PojoDaoFactory factory = new DefaultPojoDaoFactoryBuilder(session)
.withListener(new CreateSchemaListener(session))
Using "partition keys" and "clustering columns", you can slice and dice your data in various ways in order to make retrieval very efficient. Hecate's API is designed with composite keys in mind:
public class Address {
private String country;
private String state;
private String postalCode;
Notice the "order" attributes on the @PartitionKey annotations. We are not guaranteed that the fields will be found in the same order they are defined in the source code when asking for them using Java reflection, so we use the order attribute to sort the @PartitionKeys correctly (can be used on @ClusteringColumn also).
Finding an Address by its full composite key is simple:
PojoDao<Address> dao = daoFactory.createPojoDao(Address.class);
Address address = dao.findByKey("US", "CO", "80127");
Here, we pass in the values for the country, state, and postalCode fields. The keys must be presented in the correct order.
PojoDao<Address> dao = daoFactory.createPojoDao(Address.class);
PojoMultiQuery<Address> query = dao.findByKeys();
QueryResult<Address> result = query
.add("US", "CO", "80127")
.add("US", "OH", "45030")