- Engineering Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Robotics Engineering
- Optical Engineering
- Embedded Software Development
- Phase 1: Foundation Building (Years 1–2)
Focus on math, physics, programming, and introductory engineering concepts. - Phase 2: Core Knowledge Development (Years 3–5)
Deep dive into theory and practical applications, including labs and projects. - Phase 3: Specialization and Integration (Years 6–8)
Combine knowledge to design, manufacture, and program complex systems, including robotics and optical systems.
- Topics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations, Probability.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Calculus" by James Stewart, "Linear Algebra Done Right" by Sheldon Axler.
- Books (Russian): "Высшая математика" В. С. Шипачев, "Курс математического анализа" Г. М. Фихтенгольц.
- Online Courses (English): Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare.
- Online Courses (Russian): Stepik (Математика), Coursera (Математика для инженеров).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 2 hours/day.
- Topics: Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics (introductory).
- Resources:
- Books (English): "University Physics" by Young and Freedman.
- Books (Russian): "Общий курс физики" Д. В. Сивухин, "Физика" Г. Я. Мякишев.
- Online Courses (English): Khan Academy Physics, MIT OpenCourseWare (Classical Mechanics).
- Online Courses (Russian): Лекториум (Физика), Coursera (Основы физики).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 2 hours/day.
- Topics: Python, C, Algorithms, Data Structures.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart, "C Programming Absolute Beginner’s Guide" by Perry and Miller.
- Books (Russian): "Изучаем Python" Марк Лутц, "Язык программирования C" Б. Керниган и Д. Ритчи.
- Online Courses (English): Codecademy (Python), CS50 (Harvard’s Introduction to Computer Science).
- Online Courses (Russian): Stepik (Python), Coursera (CS50 на русском).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
Mechanical Engineering Basics:
- Topics: Statics, Dynamics, Materials Science, CAD.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics" by R.C. Hibbeler, "Materials Science and Engineering" by William Callister.
- Books (Russian): "Сопротивление материалов" А. Ф. Лурье, "Техническая механика" В. И. Дмитриева.
- Online Courses (English): Coursera (Introduction to Mechanical Engineering), edX (SolidWorks CAD).
- Online Courses (Russian): Stepik (Основы CAD), Лекториум (Материаловедение).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
Electronic Engineering Basics:
- Topics: Circuit Analysis, Basic Electronics, Digital Logic.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits" by Charles Alexander, "Digital Design" by Morris Mano.
- Books (Russian): "Основы схемотехники" А. В. Микушин, "Цифровая схемотехника" В. Л. Шило.
- Online Courses (English): Coursera (Introduction to Electronics), edX (Circuits and Electronics).
- Online Courses (Russian): Coursera (Основы электроники), Stepik (Цифровая логика).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
Robotics Engineering Basics:
- Topics: Robot Kinematics, Sensors, Actuators, Control Systems.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Introduction to Robotics" by John J. Craig, "Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Control" by Bruno Siciliano.
- Books (Russian): "Основы робототехники" В. А. Гололобов.
- Online Courses (English): Coursera (Robotics Specialization by UPenn).
- Online Courses (Russian): Coursera (Робототехника).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
Optical Engineering Basics:
- Topics: Geometrical Optics, Wave Optics, Optical Materials.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Introduction to Optics" by Frank L. Pedrotti, "Optics" by Eugene Hecht.
- Books (Russian): "Оптика" Г. С. Ландсберг, "Основы оптики" М. Борн и Э. Вольф.
- Online Courses (English): Coursera (Introduction to Optical Engineering), edX (Optics and Photonics).
- Online Courses (Russian): Лекториум (Оптика), Coursera (Основы оптики).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
Mechanical Engineering:
- Topics: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Machine Design.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Fluid Mechanics" by Frank White, "Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design."
- Books (Russian): "Гидравлика" Н. Е. Жуковский, "Теплообмен" А. А. Александров.
- Online Courses (English): Coursera (Fluid Mechanics), edX (Machine Design).
- Online Courses (Russian): Coursera (Механика жидкостей).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
Electronic Engineering:
- Topics: Analog and Digital Electronics, Microcontrollers.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Microelectronic Circuits" by Sedra and Smith, "The Art of Electronics" by Horowitz and Hill.
- Books (Russian): "Микроконтроллеры AVR" А. В. Евстифеев.
- Online Courses (English): edX (Microcontrollers), Coursera (Embedded Systems).
- Online Courses (Russian): Stepik (Микроконтроллеры).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
Robotics Engineering:
- Topics: Robot Dynamics, Control Systems, Perception.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Robot Modeling and Control" by Spong et al., "Probabilistic Robotics" by Thrun, Burgard, and Fox.
- Books (Russian): "Робототехника и автоматизация" В. А. Гололобов.
- Online Courses (English): Coursera (Robotics Specialization).
- Online Courses (Russian): Coursera (Робототехника).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
Optical Engineering:
- Topics: Lens Design, Optical Systems, Photonics.
- Resources:
- Books (English): "Lens Design Fundamentals" by Rudolf Kingslake, "Photonics: Optical Electronics in Modern Communications" by Amnon Yariv.
- Books (Russian): "Основы проектирования оптических систем" В. А. Зверев.
- Online Courses (English): Coursera (Optical Engineering), edX (Photonics).
- Online Courses (Russian): Лекториум (Оптические системы).
- YouTube Playlists:
- Time Commitment: 1 hour/day.
- Goal: Apply knowledge to real-world projects.
- Build a small robot (e.g., line-following robot).
- Design and simulate a mechanical system (e.g., gearbox).
- Develop an embedded system (e.g., temperature controller).
- Design an optical system (e.g., simple microscope or telescope).
- Resources (English): YouTube tutorials, Hackster.io, Instructables.
- Resources (Russian): Хабрахабр, YouTube (каналы по робототехнике).
- Time Commitment: 4 hours/day (project-based).
- Projects:
- Design and build a robotic arm with embedded control.
- Develop an autonomous drone with custom electronics and software.
- Create a smart home automation system.
- Design and build an advanced optical system (e.g., laser-based communication system).
- Specialization:
- Choose one area to specialize in (e.g., Robotics, Embedded Systems, Optical Engineering).
- Resources (English): Research papers, advanced courses, industry certifications.
- Resources (Russian): Научные статьи, продвинутые курсы, профессиональные сертификации.
- Time Commitment: 4 hours/day (project-based).
Day | Activity |
Monday | Math (2h), Mechanical Engineering (1h), Programming (1h) |
Tuesday | Physics (2h), Electronic Engineering (1h), Robotics (1h) |
Wednesday | Math (2h), Embedded Systems (1h), Programming (1h) |
Thursday | Physics (2h), Mechanical Engineering (1h), Optical Engineering (1h) |
Friday | Math (2h), Robotics (1h), Embedded Systems (1h) |
Saturday | Review and Practice Problems (4h) |
Sunday | Rest or Optional Reading (e.g., Engineering News, Research Papers) |
- Consistency is Key: Study daily, even if it’s just for an hour.
- Hands-On Practice: Build projects early and often. Platforms like Hackster.io and Хабрахабр are great for inspiration.
- Join Communities: Engage with forums like Reddit (r/engineering, r/learnprogramming), Quora, and Хабрахабр.
- Use Multiple Resources: Combine books, online courses, and video tutorials for a well-rounded understanding.
- Track Progress: Keep a journal or GitHub repository of your projects and learning milestones.