- fastqc v0.11.3
- cutadapt v1.12
- bwa v0.7.12-r1044
- samtools v1.2
- picard v1.138
- python v3.5
- bedtools v2.25.0
- common unix tools (e.g. awk, sort and uniq)
- iNPS_v1.2.2
Sequencing quality was explored using fastqc
and looked acceptable for further analysis. Illumina sequencing adaptors were removed from the paired end sequencing data of mouse hindbrain and heart using cutadapt
cutadapt -m 10 -O 3 -a AGATCGGAAGAGC -A AGATCGGAAGAGC -o R1_trimmed.fastq.gz -p R2_trimmed.fastq.gz R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz
where R1.fastq.gz
and R2.fastq.gz
are the R1 and R2 paired end raw sequencing files with the _trimmed
counterparts obtained as output. Alignments to the mouse reference genome mm9
were generated using bwa mem
bwa mem -M -t 8 $ref $fq1 $fq2
where $ref
is the fasta reference genome file, and $fq1
and $fq2
correspond to the trimmed R1 and R2 sequencing files respectively.
Unmapped, not primary aligned and supplementary reads were filtered from the resulting alignment .bam
files using samtools view
. Reads aligning with low mapping quality or aligning to blacklisted genomic regions of the mm9
reference genome were also filtered out.
samtools view -@8 -S -u -F2820 -q 5 -L mm9-whitelist.bed input.bam | samtools sort -@8 - output.bam
where mm9-whitelist.bed
contains not blacklisted genomic regions and input.bam
is the alignment file obtained with bwa mem
. Resulting filtered alignment files were sorted by coordinate using samtools sort
and files corresponding to different sequencing lanes of the same library were merged using samtools merge
Sequencing duplicates were marked using picard
java -Xmx3G -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=input.bam O=output.bam M=log.markdup.txt
where input.bam
is the merged and sorted alignment file, with duplicates marked as output.bam
and processing log details written to log.markdup.txt
. Resulting files were indexed using samtools index
Details about the insert size were obtained using picard
java -Xmx2G -jar picard.jar CollectInsertSizeMetrics I=input.bam O=InsertSize.txt H=InsertSize.pdf AS=true VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=SILENT
iNPS requires python3
and also that processed .bam
files above are converted into .bed
format for input. First, duplicate reads in processed .bam
files were removed using samtools view
. Second, sort alignments by read name with samtools sort
and fill in mate coordinates and related flags using samtools fixmate
. Third, convert resulting .bam
files into .bed
with bamToBed
and process output for appropiate start and end coordinates depending on read and mate.
samtools view -u -f 2 -F 1024 input_processed.bam | \
samtools sort -T $outinps -O bam -@8 -n - | \
samtools fixmate -O bam - - | \
bamToBed -bedpe | \
awk -v OFS='\t' '{if(\$2 < \$5){start=\$2} else {start=\$5} if(\$3 > \$6){end=\$3} else {end=\$6} print \$1, start, end}' | \
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n > output.bed"
Running iNPS:
python3.5 iNPS_V1.2.2.py -i input.bed -o ../iNPS/input --s_p=p
where input.bed
is the output file obtained above and --s_p=p
indicates paired end sequencing data and --pe_max=230
Under construction ...