You will now create a product import to a webshop.
The customer has only delivered some CSV files, but lucky there are headers in the CSV file.
The webshop can handle configurabled products and simple products.
A configurable product contains simple products which can be selected in the webshop, lucky the whole frontend is already done, so you dont need to think of this.
Now its up to you to build the correct import script
Below is a sample csv file the customer have delivered
simplesku,Simple Product,,200,75
shoe-36-black,Black shoe,color:black;size:36,15,1250
shoe-36-white,White shoe,color:white;size:36,10,1250
shoe-38-yellow,Yellow shoe,color:yellow;size:38,8,1250
shoe-38-green,Green shoe,color:green;size:38,5,1250
With this you should end up with the following
16 products in total which are
- 12 simple products
- socks-12
- table-blue
- simple-sku
- chair-black
- chair-white
- socks-18
- chair-yellow
- table-black
- shoe-36-black
- shoe-36-white
- shoe-38-yellow
- shoe-38-green
- 4 configurable products
- table
- Which consists of the following products
- table-blue
- table-black
- Which consists of the following products
- socks
- Which consists of the following products
- socks-12
- socks-18
- Which consists of the following products
- chair
- Which consists of the following products
- chair-black
- chair-white
- chair-yellow
- Which consists of the following products
- shoe
- Which consists of the following products
- shoe-36-black
- shoe-36-white
- shoe-38-yellow
- shoe-38-green
- Which consists of the following products
- table
- 12 simple products
Configurable products should be build from the product SKU and SKU on the configurable product should be the text before the first hyphen, and the configurable products title should be the simple product title first found.
Simple products which are in a configurable product must not be visible, but they still need to be added as a simple product
The configurable price should be the lowest price from the simple products
If none of the simple products on a configurable product is in stock, then the configurable product is not in stock either.
The parser will run the following
$importer = new SDM\Import($pathToCsv, $csv_demiliter);
$products = $importer->getProducts();
And the unit tests will be done on the products.
Happy coding!