flowchart TD
A[Receive request for collision data] --> B{Do they want verified collisions?};
B -- Yes --> C[Ask peeps to verify];
B -- No --> D{Do they need a subset of collisions?};
C ----> D;
D -- Yes --> E[Turn it over to Team DSO!];
D -- No --> F[Team DC finishes the request!!!];
E ----> G[Team DSO finishes the request!!!];
F ----> H[Another happy requester!];
G ----> H;
flowchart TD
A[Receive request for collision data] --> B{Do they want verified collisions?};
B -- Yes --> C[Ask peeps to verify];
B -- No --> D{Do they need specific collision parameters? Like is a query necessary or something I just wanna make this super long to test it?};
B -- Maybe... --> E;
C ----> D;
D -- Yes --> E[Turn it over to Team DSO!];
D -- No --> F[Team DC finishes the request!!!];
E ----> G[Team DSO finishes the request!!!];
F ----> H[Another happy requester!];
G ----> H;
volumes }|--|| volumes_15min_mvt : aggregate
volumes_15min_mvt ||--|{ volumes_mvt_atr_xover : link
volumes_mvt_atr_xover }|--|| volumes_15min : link
intersection ||--|{ volumes :lookup
intersection ||--|{ volumes_15min_mvt :lookup
intersection ||--|{ volumes_15min :lookup
classification ||--|{ volumes :lookup
classification ||--|{ volumes_15min_mvt :lookup
classification ||--|{ volumes_15min :lookup
movement ||--|{ volumes :lookup
movement ||--|{ volumes_15min_mvt :lookup