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Development Informations.

The Macros

  • /power ---- Start/Stop Badboy Entirely
  • /aoe ------- Toggles AoE Modes
  • /cooldowns -- Toggles Cooldowns
  • /pause ---- Stop attacking

The Functions.

Old standar UnitBuff

br.UnitBuffID(UnitID, SpellID, Filter) - 1/nil Returns 1 if Buff found on target br.UnitDebuffID(UnitID, SpellID, Filter) - 1/nil Returns 1 if Debuff found on target CAN - Booleans

canAttack(Unit1,Unit2) - Bool Returns true if Unit1 can attack Unit2 br.canDispel(Unit,spellID) - Bool Retruns true if the Unit have a valid Dispel canHeal(Unit) - Bool Returns true if we can heal that Unit br.canInterrupt(spellID,percentint) - Bool Returns true if we can Interrupt that target canPrepare() - Bool Returns true if ready to buff(ooc) br.canRun() - Bool Returns true if we can Run profile(incombat) br.canUseItem(itemID) - Bool Returns true if the item can be used CAST - Function Methods

castGround(Unit,SpellID,maxDistance) Used to cast Spells on ground. Returns true if everything passes. castGroundBetween(Unit,SpellID,maxDistance) Used to ground cast between yourself and target. Returns true if everything passes. castHealGround(SpellID,Radius,Health,NumberOfPlayers) Used to ground cast between lowest br.friend members. Returns true if everything passes. castSpell(Unit,SpellID,FacingCheck,MovementCheck,SpamAllowed,KnownSkip) Used to cast Spells. Returns true if everything passes. GET - Mixed

getAllies(Target,Radius) - Table Returns a table of the allies found within Radius of the target br.getBuffRemain(Unit,BuffID) - Num Returns how long remain on this Unit buff. br.getBuffStacks(Unit,BuffID) - Num Returns number of stacks of this Units buff. br.getCombatTime() - Num Returns time since combat started. getCreatureType(Unit) - Bool Returns true if Unit is not a pet battle or a totem. getCombo() - Num Returns combo points on current target. br.getDebuffRemain(Unit,DebuffID) - Num Returns how long remain on this Units Debuff. br.getDebuffStacks(Unit,DebuffID) - Num Returns number of stacks of this Units Debuff. br.getDistance(Unit1,Unit2) - Num Returns distance to target in yards. br.getEnemies(Target,Radius) - Table Returns a table of the Enemies found within Radius of the target br.getFacing(Unit1,Unit2) - Bool Returns true if Unit1 is facing Unit2 getFallTime() - Num Returns the time the character has been falling. getGround(Unit) - Bool Returns true if ground is found under the target br.getHP(Unit) - Num Returns Unit HP % br.getLineOfSight(Unit1,Unit2) - Bool Returns true if the Unit1 can see Unit2 getLowAllies(Value) - Num Returns number of units under Value HP in br.friend getMana(Unit) - Num Returns Unit Mana % getNumEnemies(Target,Radius) - Num Returns number of Enemies found within Radius of the target getPetLineOfSight(Unit) - Bool Returns true if our pet is in sight of target br.getPower(Unit) - Num Returns Unit Power % br.getRegen(Unit) - Num Returns power regen rate of Unit round2(num, idp) - Num Used to round numbers br.getSpellCD(SpellID) - Num Returns how long remain until the CD is ready getTimeToDie(unit) - Num Returns approximative Time To Die for Unit getTimeToMax(Unit) - Num Returns how long it will take until our ressources are maxed getTotemDistance(Unit1) - Num Returns distance from totem to target getVengeance() - Num Returns player vengeance(considers classes) HAS

hasGlyph(glyphid) Returns true if we have this Glyph IS - Booleans

br.isAlive(Unit) - Bool Returns true if Unit is alive br.isBoss() - Bool Returns true if a boss is found in boss 1-2-3-4-5 isBuffed(UnitID,SpellID,TimeLeft) - Bool Rturns true if Unit have at least Timeleft remaining on SpellId Buff isCasting(SpellID,Unit) - Bool Returns true if Unit is casting given spell br.isCastingSpell(spellID) - Bool returns true if WE are casting spellid br.isDummy(Unit) - Bool Returns true if Unit is a dummy isEnnemy(Unit) - Bool Returns true if we can attack the Unit isGarrMCd(Unit) - Bool Returns true if Unit if affected by Garrosh MC isInCombat(Unit) - Bool Returns true if Unit is in combat isInMelee(Unit) - Bool Returns true if we are withing 4 yard of the Unit isInPvP() - Bool Returns true if we are in PvP br.isKnown(spellID) - Bool Returns true if we know this spell(via spellbook check) isLooting() - Bool Returns true if we are currently looting isMoving(Unit) - Num Returns Unit movement speed IsMovingTime(time) - Bool Returns true if we have been moving for time seconds isSpellInRange(SpellID,Unit) - Bool Returns true spell is in Range of Unit isValidTarget(Unit) - Bool Returns true if the target is valid Uncategorized - Mixed

makeEnemiesTable() - does not return anything but create br.enemy that hold br.enemy[i].unit br.enemy[i].distance and br.enemy[i].hp of all enemies in 40 yards nDbDmg(tar, spellID, player) - Num Returns tooltip damage pause() - Bool Returns true if pause is engaged castingUnit() - Bool Returns true is said unit is casting. br.useItem(itemID) Use item via ID shouldStopCasting(SpellID) - Bool Built into casts methods. Prevents spell locking. Config Queries - Mixed

br.isChecked(Value) - Bool Returns true if Value Checkbox is checked in UI isSelected(Value) - Bool Returns true if Value Checkbox is checked in UI and CD requirements are met. br.getValue(Value) - Num Returns drop or box Value from UI CreateNewCheck(value, textString, tip1, state)

  • Used to create checkboxes in UI
  1. value must always be thisConfig - Do not change
  2. textString - the name of your option - String
  3. tip1 - the tooltip displayed when the user mouseover the checkbox - String
  4. state - the désired deployment state - Numeric 0(Unchecked)/1(Checked) CreateNewBox(value,textString,minValue,maxValue,step,base,tip1)
  • Used to create valueboxes in UI
  1. value must always be thisConfig - Do not change
  2. textString - the name of your option - String
  3. minValue - minimum value for this option
  4. maxValue - maximum value for this option
  5. step - how much you want to add/sub from the actual value when user wheel-up/down over the box
  6. base - what is the base value for this option CreateNewDrop(value, textString, base, tip1, value1, value2, value3, value4, value5, value6, value7, value8, value9, value10)
  • Used to create selectors in UI. Assigning tip "Toggles" will use predefined toggles, values should be empty when doing so.
  1. value must always be thisConfig - Do not change
  2. textString - the name of your option - String
  3. the tooltip displayed when the user mouseover the checkbox - String 4 and more. Selections enumeration - Strings