diff --git a/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-one-2024-09-17.md b/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-one-2024-09-17.md
index 2b465b949..fbdcd2d6f 100644
--- a/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-one-2024-09-17.md
+++ b/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-one-2024-09-17.md
@@ -5,15 +5,9 @@ start_time: '11:00:00'
 end_date: '2024-09-17'
 end_time: '12:00:00'
 layout: events
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 title: 'Digital Pedagogy Reading Group - Labor'
 rsvp: https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-digital-pedagogy-reading-group
 location: Zoom
-slug: digital-pedagogy-working-group-one-2024-09-17
-title: 'Digital Pedagogy Reading Group - Labor'
-location: '<a href="https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-digital-pedagogy-reading-group">Register for Zoom Link</a>'
->>>>>>> master
 What is digital humanities? What is it doing—what does it do—in the classroom? Please join Rachel Retica, Seanna Viechweg, and Brandon Walsh for a reading group on digital pedagogy as a part of the Scholars’ Lab’s fall programming. Topics will broadly include digital humanities teaching and labor, interpretation and the role it plays in digital pedagogy, and culturally responsive digital pedagogy. We will share readings in advance to those registered. The goal throughout will be to offer a mix of theory and praxis, keeping an eye both on the ways we think about digital humanities teaching as well as the way we carry it out.
diff --git a/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-three-2024-11-19.md b/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-three-2024-11-19.md
index 5b7b702d0..9a4830ec8 100644
--- a/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-three-2024-11-19.md
+++ b/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-three-2024-11-19.md
@@ -5,15 +5,9 @@ start_time: '11:00:00'
 end_date: '2024-11-19'
 end_time: '12:00:00'
 layout: events
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 title: 'Digital Pedagogy Reading Group - Culturally Responsive Pedagogy'
 rsvp: https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-digital-pedagogy-reading-group
 location: Zoom
-slug: digital-pedagogy-working-group-three-2024-11-19
-title: 'Digital Pedagogy Reading Group - Culturally Responsive Pedagogy'
-location: '<a href="https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-digital-pedagogy-reading-group">Register for Zoom Link</a>'
->>>>>>> master
 What is digital humanities? What is it doing—what does it do—in the classroom? Please join Rachel Retica, Seanna Viechweg, and Brandon Walsh for a reading group on digital pedagogy as a part of the Scholars’ Lab’s fall programming. Topics will broadly include digital humanities teaching and labor, interpretation and the role it plays in digital pedagogy, and culturally responsive digital pedagogy. We will share readings in advance to those registered. The goal throughout will be to offer a mix of theory and praxis, keeping an eye both on the ways we think about digital humanities teaching as well as the way we carry it out.
diff --git a/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-two-2024-10-22.md b/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-two-2024-10-22.md
index e1c4095c9..714d7fb6c 100644
--- a/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-two-2024-10-22.md
+++ b/collections/_events/digital-pedagogy-working-group-two-2024-10-22.md
@@ -5,15 +5,9 @@ start_time: '11:00:00'
 end_date: '2024-10-22'
 end_time: '12:00:00'
 layout: events
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 title: 'Digital Pedagogy Reading Group - Reading and Interpretation'
 rsvp: https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-digital-pedagogy-reading-group
 location: Zoom
-slug: digital-pedagogy-working-group-two-2024-10-22
-title: 'Digital Pedagogy Reading Group - Reading and Interpretation'
-location: '<a href="https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-digital-pedagogy-reading-group">Register for Zoom Link</a>'
->>>>>>> master
 What is digital humanities? What is it doing—what does it do—in the classroom? Please join Rachel Retica, Seanna Viechweg, and Brandon Walsh for a reading group on digital pedagogy as a part of the Scholars’ Lab’s fall programming. Topics will broadly include digital humanities teaching and labor, interpretation and the role it plays in digital pedagogy, and culturally responsive digital pedagogy. We will share readings in advance to those registered. The goal throughout will be to offer a mix of theory and praxis, keeping an eye both on the ways we think about digital humanities teaching as well as the way we carry it out.
diff --git a/collections/_events/praxis-program-2024-information-session-2024-09-09.md b/collections/_events/praxis-program-2024-information-session-2024-09-09.md
index 6a534a9d7..d41625b6e 100644
--- a/collections/_events/praxis-program-2024-information-session-2024-09-09.md
+++ b/collections/_events/praxis-program-2024-information-session-2024-09-09.md
@@ -5,21 +5,10 @@ start_time: '11:00:00'
 end_date: '2024-09-09'
 end_time: '12:00:00'
 layout: events
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 title: 'Praxis Program 2024 Information Session'
 rsvp: https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-praxis-information-session-fall-2024
 location: Zoom
 Praxis Applications are due soon! See the official CFP for more details about the fellowship [itself](https://scholarslab.lib.virginia.edu/praxis-program-fellowships/). If you have questions about the Scholars’ Lab’s year-long, soup-to-nuts introduction to Digital Humanities please attend this information session to be held September 9th, 2024 from 11:00-12:00 on Zoom. 
-If you’re interested in discussing your application earlier or individually, we highly encourage students to write to [Brandon Walsh](mailto:bmw9t@virginia.edu). Together we can begin to discuss how the Lab can be a part of your time here, with Praxis or otherwise.
-slug: praxis-program-2024-information-session-2024-09-09
-title: 'Praxis Program 2024 Information Session'
-location: '<a href="https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-praxis-information-session-fall-2024">Register for Zoom Link</a>'
-Praxis Applications are due soon! See the official CFP for more details about the fellowship [itself](https://scholarslab.lib.virginia.edu/praxis-program-fellowships/). If you have questions about the Scholars’ Lab’s year-long, soup-to-nuts introduction to Digital Humanities please attend this information session to be held September 9th, 2024 from 11:00-12:00 on Zoom. Please [register to attend](https://cal.lib.virginia.edu/calendar/events/slab-praxis-information-session-fall-2024). If you’re interested in discussing your application earlier or individually, we highly encourage students to write to [Brandon Walsh](mailto:bmw9t@virginia.edu). Together we can begin to discuss how the Lab can be a part of your time here, with Praxis or otherwise.
->>>>>>> master
+If you’re interested in discussing your application earlier or individually, we highly encourage students to write to [Brandon Walsh](mailto:bmw9t@virginia.edu). Together we can begin to discuss how the Lab can be a part of your time here, with Praxis or otherwise.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/collections/_posts/2024-07-17-gamaliel-bradford-and-psychography.md b/collections/_posts/2024-07-17-gamaliel-bradford-and-psychography.md
index d811e3ecb..3d4725fa0 100644
--- a/collections/_posts/2024-07-17-gamaliel-bradford-and-psychography.md
+++ b/collections/_posts/2024-07-17-gamaliel-bradford-and-psychography.md
@@ -66,10 +66,7 @@ at last the free hour and the quiet spot are found, weary nerves have no
 longer any inspiration left in them.
 Both excerpts detail Alcott’s authorial life, but in dramatically different ways. Smith documents the number of months it took for Alcott to write the novel, the dates of publication, and the number of copies sold. Though he mentions how Alcott was “doubtful of her ability” to write *Little Women*, he does not pry any deeper into her psyche. Conversely, Bradford’s writing focuses solely on Alcott’s feelings of doubt, endeavoring to paint an image of Alcott’s tormented psychological state. Similar to Freud’s portrait of Da Vinci, Bradford homes in on the “discouragement and depression” which necessitates art. The last sentence of Bradford’s excerpt reads less like a biography, and more like a confessional journal entry. Bradford works to make Alcott’s intimate feelings of doubt and despair tangible to readers, giving them a look behind the curtain, so to speak.
-<<<<<<< HEAD
->>>>>>> master
 Though Bradford did not reveal much about his process of writing a psychograph, it is evident that it was an extensive one. He spent years writing these portraits, poring through letters and diaries, and agonizing over every detail of his writing. In a journal entry from March 7, 1919, Bradford wrote:
 > I have been toiling for three years over my portraits of women, have spent
diff --git a/collections/_posts/2024-08-15-isabel-bielat-CBW.md b/collections/_posts/2024-08-15-isabel-bielat-CBW.md
index a32e4eead..dbb67e509 100644
--- a/collections/_posts/2024-08-15-isabel-bielat-CBW.md
+++ b/collections/_posts/2024-08-15-isabel-bielat-CBW.md
@@ -1,29 +1,15 @@
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-author: isabel-bielat
 author: "Isabel Bielat"
->>>>>>> master
 date: 2024-08-15
 layout: post
 slug: isabel-bielat-CBW
 title: "New Nationalism, Legendary Women: Panchanan Bhattacharyya’s Ideals of Indian Womanhood (1921) after the Great War"
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 category: essay
 - cbw
 - gender
 - history
-- litertaure
-- Digital Humanities
-- Grad Student Research
-- Women
-- Race
-- War
-- Biography
->>>>>>> master
+- literature
 *A Co-authored Series of Posts ‘About 1919,’ that is, about English-language books published from 1914 to 1921, according to the online bibliography and database, [Collective Biographies of Women](https://cbw.iath.virginia.edu).*
 # Introduction