All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning.
Fixes typo in dtcw.bat for finding the correct local cli command.
- 2022-03-08
downloadTemplate: fix encoding for working with powershell
- 2022-02-25
- 2021-12-20
brushed up docs
- 2021-12-06
- 2022-01-23
- 2021-12-06
- 2021-11-26
- 2021-11-15
- 2022-03-16
- 2021-12-09
- 2021-11-30
- 2021-11-13
- 2022-03-09
upgraded underlying gradle from 6.7.1 to 6.9.2
- 2022-03-08
downloadTemplate: upgraded download plugin
- 2022-02-09
- 2022-01-23
- 2021-12-23
- 2021-12-09
make build output less noisy - use logger instead of println
- 2021-12-08
changed wording of landing page (thanx to Jody Winter)
- 2021-12-04
changed java download hint from oracle to
- 2021-11-30
refactored config file
- 2021-11-14
refactored jbake template "menu.gsp"
- 2021-11-10
- 2021-11-09
- 2021-11-08
- 2021-10-19
- 2021-10-18
- 2021-10-19
fix example for gitRepoUrl in config
fix projectRootDir
fix status.png and siteTitle
- 2021-10-17
- 2021-10-11
- 2021-10-15
- 2021-10-06
- 2021-10-04
- 2021-09-30
The 2.0.0 relase contains all changes of the release candidates. See "v2.0.0 of docToolchain has been released!" for more details.
- 2021-05-21
if the outputPath from the config starts with a '/', it will be considered as absolute path.
This way, you can move the build fodler outside of your repository.
outputPath = System.getenv('HOME')'/.doctoolchain/build/'(new File('.')).canonicalPath.md5()
repository theme gets only copied to build if it is defined in
generateSite will now add meta-data to all asciidoc files which have no meta-data defined. The menu name and order will be created corresponding to the folder and file name. The title will be extracted as first headline from the file itself.
- 2021-05-18
Headless mode for themes
fix landing page (only gets copied once when microsite config isn’t set yet.)
- 2021-05-21
removed jCenter references
- 2021-03-21
- 2021-04-07
- 2012-02-26
copyThemes task
generateSite task
- 2021-02-23
first version of powershell wrapper
- 2021-02-22
manual test script
- 2021-01-05
dtc wrapper
- 2021-01-08
first definition of a static site taken from arc42-template-project
updated gradle wrapper (6.6.1)
added downloadTemplates task
added feature to automatically create a Config file if it doesn’t exist
configured gradle to run without daemon
- 2021-01-29
[519] - Describe release process, update changelog
smaller distribution file through createDist task
- 2021-01-26
[522] - Added sdkman file
- 2021-01-25
[522] - Support for JDK 14
[514] - Add support of multiple EA project locations in parallel
- 2021-01-25
Add support of multiple EA project locations in parallel #514
updated Gradle to 6.7.1
added JDK14 for travis-ci testing
[517] - update revealJs to 3.9.1 and asciidoctor-revealjs to 2.0.1
- 2021-01-05
Add properties for htmlSanityCheck #507
- 2020-09-07
Ability to export Jira Sprint(s) data changelog (key, summary) (#473)
- 2020-08-24
Ability to export OpenAPI specification to asciidoc (#464)
- 2020-08-20
New attribute 'ancestorName' for easier nesting in Confluence (#460)
- 2020-07-08
Jira configuration for multiple request to Jira API
Saving Jira results to Excel files
Basic support for custom fields in Jira results
- 2020-05-08
Jira configuration refactoring to Config.groovy
- 2019-05-21
first version of EA-PlantUML Exchange scripts
- 2019-02-26
- 2019-03-08
Add TomTom logo as company who uses docToolchain PR#284
- 2020-08-06
- 2019-05-09
upgraded to run with JDK11
upgraded Gradle to 5.3.1
upgraded Groovy to 2.5.4 (comes with Gradle 5.4.1)
upgraded Spock to 1.3
- 2019-03-13
fixed proper handling of file encoding
brushed up logging
are excluded
- 2019-03-08
added output where docs are published to and added better error message in case of failing authorization 1bc146c
- 2019-03-06
changed regexp to accept ^[A-Z]{3,}-.*$ as file name, eg. all Files which start with an upper case word of at least 3 chars followed by a dash
to work with docToolchain as submodule -
added better console output
-folder if used as submodule
- 2021-25-01
fixed docs: ConfluenceConfig.groovy missing #492
- 2019-05-30
fix publishToConfluence internal link targets (#223)
- 2019-05-09
fixed .bat (#305)
fixed tests (#307)
- 2019-03-08
was ignored PR#297
- 2020-08-06