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Scramjet Transform Hub Python API Client 🐍

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The package provides an API Clients for use with Scramjet Transform Hub.

Table of contents


The package enables you to use Python API to manage and interact with Sequences/Instances within your Hubs. It has 3 main classes, they are: HostClient, SequenceClient and InstanceClient.


Scramjet API Python Client is available on PyPI, You can install it with simple pip command:

pip install scramjet-api-client

Quick start

Let's say I want to send my new custom Sequence to Hub SCP and check if it's running properly.

💡 Hint: If you want to use Hub SCP, make sure you have valid account on Scramjet Cloud Platform

import asyncio
import json
from client.host_client import HostClient
from client.sequence_client import SequenceClient
from client.instance_client import InstanceClient
from client_utils.client_utils import ClientUtils

token = '<YOUR_TOKEN>'
space_id = '<YOUR_SPACE_ID>'
# middleware url
api_base ='' 

ClientUtils.setDefaultHeaders({'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'})

async def main():
    host = HostClient(f'{api_base}/space/{space_id}/api/v1/sth/sth-0/api/v1')

    # send sequence (.tar.gz) and get it's uniqe id
    seq_id = await host.send_sequence('my_cool_sequence.tar.gz')
    seq_id = json.loads(seq_id)

    # pass previous id to Sequence Client and call start
    seq_client = SequenceClient(seq_id['id'], host)
    inst_id = await seq_client.start()
    inst_id = json.loads(inst_id)

    # create an Instance Client and get information about particular Instance
    my_inst_client = InstanceClient(inst_id['id'], host)
    inst_info = await my_inst_client.get_info()

Let's brake down above snippet and explain the code line by line.

First I have to import necessary clients and set up some config stuff:

import asyncio
import json
from client.host_client import HostClient
from client.sequence_client import SequenceClient
from client.instance_client import InstanceClient
from client_utils.client_utils import ClientUtils

token = '<YOUR_TOKEN>'
space_id = '<YOUR_SPACE_ID>'

# middleware url
api_base ='' 

# set up headers
ClientUtils.setDefaultHeaders({'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'})

💡 Hint: Token and space id can be found in Your profile

Next I have to initialize, the host:

host = HostClient(f'{api_base}/space/{space_id}/api/v1/sth/sth-0/api/v1')

Then send the Sequence (you can find some example Sequences here:

seq_id = await host.send_sequence('my_cool_sequence.tar.gz')
seq_id = json.loads(seq_id)

💡 Hint: You can compress your Sequence with simple si seq pack <sequence-name> (if you have si CLI installed)

Initialize Sequence Client and pass previous response as an first argument and call start:

seq_client = SequenceClient(seq_id['id'], host)
inst_id = await seq_client.start()
inst_id = json.loads(inst_id)

Our first Sequence is already running, but make sure by initializing its Instance Client, call get_info() method and print the response:

# creating an Instance Client for interaction with running Sequence 
my_inst_client = InstanceClient(inst_id['id'], host)
inst_info = await my_inst_client.get_info()

Use - under the hood it handles couroutines lifecycles for you:

Requesting Features

Anything missing? Or maybe there is something which would make using Scramjet Framework much easier or efficient? Don't hesitate to fill up a new feature request! We really appreciate all feedback.

Reporting bugs

If you have found a bug, inconsistent or confusing behavior please fill up a new bug report.


You can contribute to this project by giving us feedback (reporting bugs and requesting features) and also by writing code yourself!

The easiest way is to create a fork of this repository and then create a pull request with all your changes. In most cases, you should branch from and target main branch.

Please refer to Development Setup section on how to setup this project.

Development Setup

The best option to develop API clients is to create virtual environments for each of the client itself. Go to one of the clients directory, client, manager_client, multimanager_client, middleware_client and run:

# create virtual env
python3 -m venv venv

# activate
source venv/bin/activate

# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

BDD tests

We prepared basic BDD tests with Python Behave. You can read more about it here

For now, BDD tests are written only for client. To run, you need also install our STH platform. You can follow the guide from here.

As you have installed STH, activate virtual env, install dependencies from requirements_dev.txt and run behave directly from client directory. You need also to download testing files from our refapps directory. You can just use our simple script from this repository. It will download all necessary files to refapps directory.

# download refapps
cd client/

# run bdd tests

You should be able to see something similar

INFO:builtins:Before all executed
Feature: Python Host-Client BDD tests # features/host.feature:1

  Scenario: List instances on host  # features/host.feature:4
    Given host is running           # features/steps/ 0.015s
    When asked for instances        # features/steps/ 0.003s
    Then host is still running      # features/steps/ 0.010s

  Scenario: List sequences on host  # features/host.feature:10
    Given host is running           # features/steps/ 0.008s
    When asked for sequences        # features/steps/ 0.003s
    Then host is still running      # features/steps/ 0.008s

  Scenario: Give version from host     # features/host.feature:16
    Given host is running              # features/steps/ 0.007s
    When asked for version             # features/steps/ 0.003s
    Then returns response with version # features/steps/ 0.000s
    Then host is still running         # features/steps/ 0.008s


INFO:builtins:After all executed
2 features passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
7 scenarios passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
27 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined
Took 0m13.243s

FAQ Troubleshooting 💥

Dictionary 📖

  • STH - Scramjet Transform Hub
  • Sequence - program adapted to run in STH environment
  • Instance - running Sequence
  • Topics - are named buses over which Instances exchange messages
  • si - Scramjet Command Line Interface
  • Hub - virtual space, where Sequences can run and interact with each other
  • Hub SCP - a Hub hosted by Scramjet Cloud Platform