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In this sample we use open API from Pokemon name will be passed into the instance's input, then a request is sent to the API. The returned data is saved to the instance stdout endpoint, and the weight of the pokemon whose name was given in input is returned to the output of the instance.


❗ Remember to setup transform-hub locally or use the platform's environment for the sequence deployment.

Open two terminals and run the following commands:

The first terminal:

# go to 'pokemon' directory
cd javascript/pokemon

# install dependencies
npm install

# go back to javascript/ directory
cd ../

# deploy 'pokemon' Sequence
si seq deploy pokemon

# see the Instance output
si inst output -    # nothing happens until some data is sent to input

💡NOTE: Command deploy performs three actions at once: pack, send and start the Sequence. It is the same as if you would run those three commands separately:

si seq pack . -o pokemon.tar.gz    # compress 'pokemon/' directory into file named 'pokemon.tar.gz'

si seq send pokemon.tar.gz    # send compressed Sequence to STH, this will output Sequence ID

si seq start -    # start the Sequence, this will output Instance ID

The second terminal

# send pokemon name as instance input which will be read from stdin
si inst input -
# hit enter and type any pokemon name, eg. pikachu
# hit enter and check out the terminal that reads the output endpoint

Output and stdout

As an instance output you should see the weight of the pokemon send in the input stream:

$ si inst output -

There is also some pokemon data piped to stdout endpoint:

si inst stdout -
  abilities: [
    { ability: [Object], is_hidden: false, slot: 1 },
    { ability: [Object], is_hidden: true, slot: 3 }
  base_experience: 112,
  forms: [
      name: 'pikachu',
      url: ''
  game_indices: [
    { game_index: 84, version: [Object] },
    { game_index: 25, version: [Object] }
  height: 4,
  held_items: [
    { item: [Object], version_details: [Array] },
    { item: [Object], version_details: [Array] }
  id: 25,
  is_default: true,
  location_area_encounters: '',
  moves: [
    { move: [Object], version_group_details: [Array] },
    { move: [Object], version_group_details: [Array] }
  name: 'pikachu',
  order: 35,
  past_types: [],
  species: {
    name: 'pikachu',
    url: ''
  sprites: {
    back_default: '',
    back_female: '',
    back_shiny: '',
    back_shiny_female: '',
    front_default: '',
    front_female: '',
    front_shiny: '',
    front_shiny_female: '',
    other: {
      dream_world: [Object],
      home: [Object],
      'official-artwork': [Object]
    versions: {
      'generation-i': [Object],
      'generation-ii': [Object],
      'generation-iii': [Object],
      'generation-iv': [Object],
      'generation-v': [Object],
      'generation-vi': [Object],
      'generation-vii': [Object],
      'generation-viii': [Object]
  stats: [
    { base_stat: 35, effort: 0, stat: [Object] },
    { base_stat: 55, effort: 0, stat: [Object] },
    { base_stat: 40, effort: 0, stat: [Object] },
    { base_stat: 50, effort: 0, stat: [Object] },
    { base_stat: 50, effort: 0, stat: [Object] },
    { base_stat: 90, effort: 2, stat: [Object] }
  types: [ { slot: 1, type: [Object] } ],
  weight: 60