Sequence that writes data to MySQL database.
Before proceeding setup MySQL database. The database can be setup locally when using the local version of transform-hub. Free MySQL hostings are good too e.g.
❗ Remember to setup transform-hub locally or use the platform's environment for the sequence deployment.
Create config.json
using example.config.json
as an example. Put valid mysql config in the config.json
and save it.
To start the sequence run commands below:
# go to sample directory
cd typescript/write-to-database
# install dependencies
npm install
# transpile TS->JS and copy node_modules and package.json to dist/
npm run build
# deploy the Sequence from the dist/ directory, which contains transpiled code, package.json and node_modules
si sequence deploy dist -f config.json
# see the Instance log
si inst log -
Check for database connection and table creation. It should be present in the logs if everything is all right.
{"level":"DEBUG","msg":"Connecting to database","ts":1658405585664,"from":"Sequence","Runner":{"id":"91c3ccb1-3a9d-46b7-bde2-7bfd693620f8"}}
{"level":"DEBUG","msg":"Connecting to database","ts":1658405585664,"from":"Sequence","CSIController":{"id":"91c3ccb1-3a9d-46b7-bde2-7bfd693620f8"}}
{"level":"DEBUG","msg":"Checking for todos table","ts":1658405585746,"from":"Sequence","Runner":{"id":"91c3ccb1-3a9d-46b7-bde2-7bfd693620f8"}}
{"level":"DEBUG","msg":"Checking for todos table","ts":1658405585746,"from":"Sequence","CSIController":{"id":"91c3ccb1-3a9d-46b7-bde2-7bfd693620f8"}}
{"level":"DEBUG","msg":"Awaiting inserts","ts":1658405585751,"from":"Sequence","Runner":{"id":"91c3ccb1-3a9d-46b7-bde2-7bfd693620f8"}}
{"level":"DEBUG","msg":"Awaiting inserts","ts":1658405585751,"from":"Sequence","CSIController":{"id":"91c3ccb1-3a9d-46b7-bde2-7bfd693620f8"}}
At this point there should be new table in the database. To add a new record to the table send some string to the input
# connect to the input stream of the instance
si inst input <id>
# provide title for the todo element
After that the logs should show that new element is added to the table.
{"level":"DEBUG","msg":"Inserting asdf\n","ts":1658405665408,"from":"Sequence","Runner":{"id":"91c3ccb1-3a9d-46b7-bde2-7bfd693620f8"}}
{"level":"DEBUG","msg":"Inserting asdf\n","ts":1658405665408,"from":"Sequence","CSIController":{"id":"91c3ccb1-3a9d-46b7-bde2-7bfd693620f8"}}
Check the contents of the table to see if everything is in place.