We would love to get contributions from you.
When creating an issue please try to use the following format.
Good issue reports are extremely helpful, thank you.
One line summary of the issue
Details of the issue.
**Steps to reproduce the behavior**
- List all relevant steps to reproduce the observed behavior.
**Expected behavior**
As concisely as possible, describe the expected behavior.
**Actual behavior**
As concisely as possible, describe the observed behavior.
- Operating system name, version, and build number, such as “iOS 14.0.1 (18A393)”.
- Hardware name and revision, such as “iPhone 11 Pro”.
- Xcode version and build number, such as “12.0 (12A7209)”.
- Any other dependencies, such as third-party keyboard and its version, if it’s applicable.
If you would like to test and/or contribute please follow these instructions.
We follow the GitHub Flow Workflow
- Fork the repository.
- Check out the default branch.
- Create a feature branch.
- Write code and tests if possible for your change.
- From your branch, make a pull request against the default branch.
- Work with repository maintainers to get your change reviewed.
- Wait for your change to be pulled into the default branch.
- Delete your feature branch.
It is useful to use the Sample project to demonstrate new features.
Use regular XCTest
and Swift Package structure.
It is highly recommended to write unit tests for any new features in Lucid's framework. However, the codegeneration isn't unit tested, but rather proven to work with the Sample project.
Files should be exempt of trailing spaces and passed all unit tests.
Some important notes regarding the summary line.
- Describe what was done; not the result.
- Use the active voice.
- Use the present tense.
- Capitalize properly.
- Do not end in a period. This is a title or subject.
By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of MIT license.