The code (or framework) presented on this page is a fully parallel framework for conducting very large scale transient topology optimziation on structured grids. For more details see
April, 2022, Hansotto Kristiansen & Niels Aage
To clone repository:
git clone
NOTE: The code requires PETSc version 3.14.0 or newer ! Also note that the code is not tested against the development branch on git.
This code has been tested on:
Linux systems including: Ubuntu 18.04, Red hat enterprise linux 8
This code requires the following external software to work:
PETSc version 3.11.4 or earlier (though never than 3.8.x)
Requires MPI
Compile following rules in makefile_ref
Normal compilation time of framework, e.g. 4s: "make topopt -j"
Run the base example by typing e.g.: "mpirun -np 4 ./topopt"
Postprocess results using Python 2.6: "bin2vtu #" where # refers to the iteration number
Visualize using ParaView (version 5.7 or earlier)
Paper reference will follow here once final acceptance is obtained