All notable changes to ctf01d project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add utility ping to docker image
- Fix #69 implemented SLA
- Implemeted firstblood action
- Up build stages to debian:12
- Added python3 library faker to docker image ctf01d
- Improved logging for mumble exit code checker
- Fix #70 redesign calculation attack points like RuCTF 2023
- PEP8 and pylint for example_service1
- Fixed automatization action - only one element can be animated in onetime
- Fix #72 team logo update when file was changed
- Added show time left in scoreboard in seconds #65
- Redesign database from mysql/mariadb to sqlite3 (build-in)
- Removed requirements by mysqlcient
- Added src libhv v1.3.1 (
- Removed wsjcpp-light-web-server
- Redesign code http server to libhv
- Updated wsjcpp-core to v0.2.3
- Up c++ to 17
- Added src sqlite3 v3.43.2 (
- Added Copyrights to source files
- Added 20 icon for teams
- Fixed random scroreboard
- Minor fixed legend activity
- Fix #64 changed mumble icon to Zzz
- Fix crash on start (sometimes was crash on start)
- Changed format of flag and updated resources
- Removed python2 from ctf01d docker image
- Added
to ctf01d docker image - Fixed init default configs on first-start container
- Implemented command
ctf01d teams search <keys>
- Added file
- Added file
- Fixed read all from pipe of checker
- Copied script fhqjad-store from fhq-server
- Fixed #52 added 'ctf01d teams list'
- Added to main find workdir authomaticly
- Fixed #53 added 'ctf01d services list'
- Updated
- Updated wsjcpp-core to v0.2.1
- Updated wsjcpp-arguments to v0.2.1
- Migrated to wsjcpp system c++ packages managment
- Installed wsjcpp arguments
- Updated wsjcpp-core and installed original nlohmann_json package
- Added unit test for service_costs_and_statistics
- Added 'for developers' to readme
- Implemented '-db-host hostname' parameter
- Prepare Dockerfiles for ctf01d-stage-build / ctf01d-stage-release
- Implemented script 'game-simulation/' with jury / service1_py / service2_go
- Implemented game-simulation/vulnbox/service3_php
- Create EmployFlags, EmployScoreboard.
- Updated version to 0.4.3
- Renamed freehackquest/fhq-jury-ad to sea-kg/ctf01d
- Fixed #41 Renamed fhq-jury-ad to ctf01d
- Updated rules and screen in
- Redesign parse arguments to wsjcpp-arguments model
- Renamed testing to game-simulation
- Added unit test for flag.
- Redesign fill json for statistics by services
- Redesign Config to EmployConfig
- Renamed class Service to Ctf01dServiceDef
- Renamed class Team to Ctf01dTeamDef
- Renamed class Flag to Ctf01dFlag
- Redesign extract sample files and config
- Redesign Dockerfile for ctf01d
- Redesign calculation costs
- Removed vulnbox
- Removed not need anymore file
- Fixed english translates in file
- Fixed clean flags