This document explains my process on getting the pictures for daily Khan Academy session, as of November 25th 2020.
This process has been in place since the start and is still in use.
After I catch up to the desktop screenshot part of my journaling, I take a desktop screenshot. After this, I have a 50-60 second timespan to get everything prepared or doing any other tasks before jumping on Khan Academy at the exact minute after getting a desktop screenshot.
I only watch 1 video a day, then I read all the articles preceeding and succeeding the video. Then, at the exact minute afterwards (sometimes I wait up to 58 seconds) I go to my profile page and take a screenshot.
I typically only get 1 screenshot, unless more are needed. The screenshots for the laptop version are in PNG format.
If I don't have an Internet connection, I typically wait until later, then continue the process by starting Khan Academy. When I don't have Internet, there can be a 30 minute-480 minute (8 hour) difference between the desktop screenshot and the KHan Academy session.
When I first started getting Khan Academy screenshots, I also took the time to run the images through Adobe Photoshop CC 2015/CS6 and make some edits, making separate image files that blurred out everything that wasn't of focus. There were usually 6 different screenshots back then. Later on, I couldn't use Photoshhop anymore, and I continued the process with MS-PAINT. This died off in 2019.
Before 2019, I also supplemented the images with a daily slideshow compilation that I would upload to my second YouTube channel as well. The videos were orginally made in Windows XP: Photo Story 3, before I made an upgrade to Windows Live Movie Maker 2012. As of mid-2019, I no longer do this. I can always start doing this again, but I will have to use different video editing software, as I no longer use Windows 10 as of July 10th 2020.
This is the newer process from late 2020 that is still in use. Separate pictures for mobile started in late 2020.
Later on when I get my phone, I start my overnight journaling notes, then I get cellular Khan Academy screenshots via Firefox for Android .if I don't get these pictures after the notes, I had likely forgotten, and will get them after my Tiny Tower session.
On mobile, I get coverage of all the parts of my profile, including:
- The main profile
- The learning/progress history section
- The courses section
- The teachers section
I later on started getting these pictures vertically, to act different from the laptop version. I typically get between 8-12 screenshots (max: 21) The screenshots for the mobile version are in JPG format.
File type: Markdown (*.md)
File version: 2 (Thursday, November 26th 2020 at 5:37 pm)
Line count (including blank lines and compiler line): 139
Version 1 (Wednesday, November 25th 2020 at 6:05 pm)
- Started the file
- Added the title section
- Added the laptop section
- Added the mobile section
- No other changes in version 1
Version 2 (Thursday, November 26th 2020 at 5:37 pm)
- Added a file history section
- Added a file info section
- Added the index
- Updated the laptop section, as I forgot to account for when I am away and have no Internet access. I also improved the article by explaining the old image and video editing processes.
- Added the footer
- No other changes in version 2
Version 3 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 3
Version 4 (Coming soon)
- Coming soon
- No other changes in version 4
You have reached the end of this file.
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