LocksmithOS users (user accounts in LocksmithOS)
For when you want to share a computer with passwords
Best practices:
Do not store passwords of other users outside of root
Do not make the passwords too difficult to remember
You can share passwords with other family members if you trust them enough
Example: 5 users
They all share a computer for passwords, as they don't want to buy several computers for this task (even if it is a super cheap, old computer) as they want to optimize the amount of computing power needed, want to strain the environment/supply chain less, and don't want as many connected devices in their house. Alice sets an advanced password, but stores the passwords of Bob, Charlie, and Edward. David has a simple password, but doesn't have passwords for other users. Root has everyones passwords, but root has a very strong password that is stored on a note in a safe, just in case Alice forgets.
Compatibility with USB options: it works with passkeys and other methods as well, just not as in tune to the above example