This repo/project deploys an EC2 instance with a mounted EFS file system.
This a simplistic design and is not fault tolerant. If this were to be made more complex, the following changes could be made:
- Add an auto scaling group for the EC2 instances
- Add a load balancer for the auto scaling group
- Add additional EFS mount points
- Add additional subnets and design the networking module to be more flexible
This repo uses GitHub actions for CI/CD and uses Terraform Cloud for state management. When changes are merged into the "main" branch they are automatically applied and deployed (assuming they pass the proper checks).
This deploys the following:
-EFS file system
This deploys the following:
-EC2 instance with a user data script that mounts the EFS file system
- it can take serveral minutes for the efs file system to mount
- you can check if the file system has been mounted by using this command: df -h
This deploys the following:
-A security group
-A singular subnet