Simple caching wrapper
- PromiseCache: Simple caching wraper for promises
- Persistor: Simple Key/Value caching wrapper, can be used with redis or with local memory.
To install promise-cache, use yarn
yarn install @sebspark/promise-cache
Params | Type | Default | Description |
redis | RedisClientOptions | undefined | Redis instance url, skip if use local memory |
ttlInSeconds | number | undefined | Persist time in Seconds |
caseSensituve | boolean | false | Retrieving cache with case sensitive |
onSuccess | function | undefined | Callback function if connection is success |
onError | function | undefined | Callback function if there is an error |
logger | winston Logger | undefined | Logger |
import { PromiseCache } from '@sebspark/promise-cache'
// with redis
const cacheInRedis = new PromiseCache<T>({
redis: REDIS_URL,
ttlInSeconds: ttl,
caseSensitive: true
// without redis
const cacheLocalMemory = new PromiseCache<T>({
ttlInSeconds: ttl,
caseSensitive: true
// Wrap
/* Simple promise cache wrapper
* @param key Cache key.
* @param delegate The function to execute if the key is not in the cache.
* @param ttlInSeconds Time to live in seconds.
* @param ttlKeyInSeconds The key in the response object that contains the TTL.
* @returns The result of the delegate function.
const ttl = 5 // 5 seconds
const delegate = new Promise((reject, resolve) => { resolve(123)})
const response = await cacheInRedis.wrap('Key', delegate, ttl)
// Size
* Cache size
* @returns The number of entries in the cache
const entries = await cacheInRedis.size()
// Find
* Get a value from the cache.
* @param key Cache key.
const cachedValue = await cacheInRedis.find('Key')
// Override
* Set a value in the cache.
* @param key Cache key.
* @param value Cache value.
* @param ttlInSeconds? Time to live in seconds.
await cacheInRedis.override('Key', 234) // keep the same ttl
const cached = cacheInRedis.find('Key')
Params | Type | Default | Description |
redis | RedisClientOptions | undefined | Redis instance url, skip if use local memory |
onSuccess | function | undefined | Callback function if connection is success |
onError | function | undefined | Callback function if there is an error |
logger | winston Logger | undefined | Logger |
clientId | any | undefined | Object internal id |
import { Persistor } from '@sebspark/promise-cache'
// with redis
const store = new Persistor<T>({
redis: REDIS_URL,
// without redis
const store = new Persistor<T>()
* Size
* @returns The number of entries in the cache
const size = await store.size()
* Set
* Set a value in the cache.
* @param key Cache key.
* @param object.value Value to set in the cache.
* @param object.ttl Time to live in seconds.
* @param object.timestamp Timestamp
await store.set<number>('MyKey', {
value: 123,
ttl: 10 // In seconds, default undefined
timestamp: // default
* Get a value from the cache.
* @param key Cache key.
* @returns GetType<T> value
const cached = await store.get('MyKey')
value: 43,
ttl: 10,
timestamp: // The timestamp
* Delete a value from the cache.
* @param key Cache key
await store.delete('MyKey')
expect(await store.get('MyKey').toBe(null)