Deploy entrypoint , LightAccount and SimplePaymantMaster (PaymantMaster contract for testing only)
npx hardhat run scripts/01.deploy.ts
Deposit balance to PaymentMaster contract for cover transaction fees
npx hardhat run scripts/02.deposit.ts
Excute sample transaction from aa-account
npx hardhat run scripts/03.excecute.ts
note: aa-account balance is 0 transfer first for testing
User operation data
sender: string; // aa-account, create from signer-account combine with salt nonce: string; // execute contract nonce or index initCode: string; // the initCode by combining the factory address with encoded createAccount function, if exit aa-account allready create is must be "0x" callData: string; // encode contract call function callGasLimit: string; verificationGasLimit: string; preVerificationGas: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; paymasterAndData: string; // paymaster contract data and address, can be any address that want to pay for you signature: string; // call operation signature that sign with signer-account
random salt
import { randomBytes } from "crypto"; const salt = "0x" + randomBytes(32).toString("hex");
import { ethers } from "ethers"; import AccountFactory from "../artifacts/contracts/LightAccountFactory.sol/LightAccountFactory.json"; const entrypoint = ethers.Contract( entryPoint, Contracts.EntryPoint.abi, signer, ) as any let initCode = FACTORY_ADDRESS + AccountFactory.interface .encodeFunctionData("createAccount", [signer.address, salt]) .slice(2); let sender: string = ""; try { await entryPoint.getSenderAddress(initCode); } catch (ex: any) { sender = "0x" + ex.data.slice(-40); console.log(sender); } // check if acount have been create const senderIsDeploy = await ethers.provider.getCode(sender); if (senderIsDeploy !== "0x") { initCode = "0x"; }
Call Data: encode call data function 'execute' for LightAccount
import Account from "../artifacts/contracts/LightAccount.sol/LightAccount.json"; const encodeData = (target: string, value: BigNumberish, data: string) => { return Account.interface.encodeFunctionData('execute', [target, value, data]) }
- target: account address or contract address
- value: amount of value to transfer, 0 if you want to excute function not transfer balance
- data: '0x' for transfer balance, or encode other contract function to execute
async function encodeAnyContractFuntion(contractAbi: any): Promise<string> { const Data = contractAbi.interface.encodeFunctionData('function', [value]) return Data }
EstimateUserOperationGas: Execute the user operation via the EntryPoint contract, passing the userOp and the fee receiver address
signature: "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0000000000000000000000000000000007aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1c"
const nonce = "0x" + (await entryPoint.getNonce(sender, 0)).toString(16); const bundlerProvider = new ether.JsonRpcProvider(""); const userOp: any = { sender, nonce, initCode, callData, paymasterAndData: PM_ADRRES, signature, }; const { preVerificationGas, verificationGasLimit, callGasLimit } = await bundlerProvider.send("eth_estimateUserOperationGas", [ userOp, ENTRYPIONT_ADDRESS, ]);
note: Bundler Provider and Chain Provider are different
Sign Signature for execute: Copying and reusing a signature for a different message will not work
const { maxFeePerGas, maxPriorityFeePerGas } = await ethers.provider.getFeeData(); userOp.callGasLimit = callGasLimit; userOp.verificationGasLimit = verificationGasLimit; userOp.preVerificationGas = preVerificationGas; userOp.maxFeePerGas = "0x" + maxFeePerGas?.toString(16); userOp.maxPriorityFeePerGas = "0x" + maxPriorityFeePerGas?.toString(16); const userOpHash = await entryPoint.getUserOpHash(userOp); userOp.signature = (await (signer0.signMessage(ethers.getBytes(userOpHash)))).toString();
sendUserOperation to Bundler:
const opHash = await bundlerProvider.send("eth_sendUserOperation", [ userOp, ENTRYPIONT_ADDRESS, ]); setTimeout(async () => { const { transactionHash } = await bundlerProvider.send( "eth_getUserOperationByHash", [opHash] ); console.log(transactionHash); }, 8000);