Returns the available container instance. Can be used to register singleton classes or class dependencies.
app($abstract = null, array $parameters = array())
- $abstract - alias or a class name.
- $parameters - parameters.
- bind() - to register a dependency.
- singleton() - to register a singleton class.
- instance() - to store an existing object as a singleton.
- bound() - checks if the given abstract type or alias has been bound.
- resolved() - checks if the given abstract type or alias has been resolved.
# At the beginning define the dependency
app()->bind('classAlias', function($app, $parameters) use ($modx) {
$modx->addPackage('myClass', 'class/path');
return new myClass($parameters);
// And then you can use this call anywhere
$obj = app('classAlias', $param);
If you need only one instance of some class in the application use the singleton method.
# At the beginning (plugin)
app()->singleton('alias', 'className');
// And then you can get it anywhere in the application. It will be the same object.
$serv = app('alias');
# Example with the Closure
app()->singleton('service', function($app, $parameters) use ($modx) {
// define some login and return the result
return new myServiceClass($parameters);
// Anywhere in the application
$obj = app('service', $param);
# Register already existing object as a singleton.
app()->instance('alias', $object);
Determine if the given abstract type or alias has been bound.
if (!app()->bound('alias')) {
app()->bind('alias', function(){...});
Check if the given abstract type or alias has been already resolved.
if (!app()->resolved('service')) {
$service = app('service', $config); // create an instance and initiate it.