- make pick and check s3 instead of disk DONE
- read from s3 (print to be sure) DONE
- write back to s3 DONE
- put this in Lambda on cron
- store emails in s3
- each time it runs
- make pick and get text from s3
- query db/s3 for emails
- send pick to all emails (instead of writing to s3)
Make a lambda that will call GetPickS3()
for each book and send it to all subscribers.
- a way to see what books are available
- sign up for a given book (send in your email)
- ideally a way to request a book (see below)
- getbook() should write to an s3 location
- a way to trigger get book (from an API call?)
- we may not care that much at this point. I can just do it locally.
- store emails in RDS? Probably not. But maybe something more interesting than just csv/json in s3.