usage: [-h] [-c CONF_FILE] [-p PROG_FILE] [-f] [-l] [-v] Enocean module programmer for Raspberry Pi. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONF_FILE, --conf CONF_FILE configuration file in intel hex format -p PROG_FILE, --prog PROG_FILE program file in intel hex format -f, --force force local stored config -l, --lock set codeprotection -v, --version show program's version number and exit Allows to program program-code and optional configuration-data into a enocean module. Configuration-data is backuped into 'data' directory. rasperry b(+) pinout: 6 GND 7 RESET 11 ADIO7 13 PROG_EN 19 WSDADIO2 21 RSDAIO3 23 SCLKDIO1 24 SCSEDIO0 because of high spi frequencies recommended flat cable layout: GND RESET GND ADIO7 GND PROG_EN GND WSDADIO2 GND RSDAIO3 GND SCLKDIO1 GND SCSEDIO0 GND