Product Catalog service reads products and characteristics from the corresponding SQS queues, saves them in a DynamoDB table.
While saving a characteristic it tries to convert its TPX color code into RGB by parsing the Pantone website.
Product Catalog provides a REST API to read:
- all products;
- all characteristics for a specific product;
- a specific combination of a product and a characteristic.
Saving a product/characteristic is an idempotent operation. An item is saved only when:
- there are no previous versions of the item-to-be-saved.
- there is a previous version of the item-to-be-saved, and the field
of the item-to-be-saved is equal to the fieldversion
of the item that is currently in the Table.
This allows events to arrive out-of-order, and also allows duplicate events.
A product is a generalized description of some entity (like a model of a T-Shirt). Product doesn't depend on or reference another product.
A characteristic is a specification of some specific product (like a combination of size and color). A characteristic always belongs to one product.
An item that is produced and sold is always a combination of a product and a characteristic (it cannot consist of only a product without a characteristic).
- When adding new or renaming existing lambda handlers, don't forget to update