A slightly more mature twitter client for Android
- User can sign in using OAuth login flow
- User can view last 25 tweets from their home timeline
- User should be able to see the user, body and timestamp for tweet
- User can compose a new tweet
- User can click a “Compose” icon in the Action Bar on the top right
- User will have a Compose view opened
- User can enter a message and hit a button to Post
- User should be taken back to home timeline with new tweet visible
- User can load more tweets once they reach the bottom
- Endless scroll
- User can open the twitter app offline and see recent tweets
- Tweets are persisted into sqlite and displayed from the local DB
- Only hometimeline has offline access. Mentions and UserTimeline does not
- User can pull down the list to refresh.
- User can switch between Timeline and Mention views using tabs.
- User can view their home timeline tweets.
- User can view the recent mentions of their username.
- User has endless scroll to bottom of the list and new tweets will load
- User can click icon on Action Bar to view their profile
- User can see picture, tagline, # of followers, # of following, and tweets on their profile.
- User can click on the profile image in a tweet to see that user's profile.