Typora-notes-theme is a Typora theme inspired from Apple Notes on macOS. It contains two separated themes: notes-light-theme and notes-dark-theme, which are basically modified from the offical Typora theme: Notes Dark. Light-mode support, lovely syntax highlighting and other CSS-style improvements are added in this project to approach the design philosophy of the Notes app. Hope you like it. 😉
- Download Typora. See Typora home page.
- Add your new theme. See Notes-light installation to-do list and Notes-dark installation to-do list.
- Change print font-size to 10px for PDF export.
- Change mermaid theme to neutral for notes-light-theme, and dark for notes-dark-theme.
- Change margin for h1-h6 headers.
- Support new code font-face: San Francisco Mono.
New theme: typora-notes-light, modified from adesurirey's typora-notes-dark-theme.
Support default code font-face: Ubuntu Mono.
Support Darcula-look syntax highlighting for notes-dark-theme and Jupyter-look syntax highlighting for notes-light-theme.
This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license.