- Chrome
- Iterm2
- Slack
- Spectacle
- f.lux
- Spotify
- 1Password
- Setup iterm + zsh
The brewfile should get zsh and I might still need to DL oh-my-zsh Then make a symlink to the the local zshrc
ln -s $PWD/zshrc_dot_me ~/.zshrc
That zshrc expects the env.sh file, which is were the bulk of the settings are
- Dash
- Visual Studio Code
- Plugins for elixir / elm / etc
- Everything in homebrew
- Docker
- asdf
- All langs through here
The install scripts are pretty straight forward They download stuff, either unzip it into Applications, or mount and copy
Brew will do its thing
If you don't use the 'install-it-all.sh' script then follow these steps most likely
- Setup the manual stuff, especially zsh and iterm (a little annoying, work in progress)
cd $dotfiles
sh install/dash
- Visual Studio Setup
This is unfortunately a little involved still
The install script will do the default install and open it. Then we need to add the code
command to the PATH, then just rerun the script.
sh vs-code/install
- In vs code, open the command pallet 'cmd + shift + p'
- Search for install shell
- Open a new terminal
which code
- should spit out /usr/local/bin/code
sh vs-code/install
To keep this stuff up to date run the update-settings.sh
It dumps
- Current brew status
- VS code settings
- VS code packages