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Installation process

Windows users



  • Install Python-64bits and add the installation path to the environment variable path, 32-bits version won't work.
  • Install ArrayFire 3.6.2 and add the installation path to the environment variable path.
  • Install Vcpkg and add the installation path to the environment variable path.
  • Install chocolatey to manage windows dependencies and add the installation path to the environment variable path.

Once we have installed all Khiva dependencies, we are ready to install Khiva by using the installers (Option 1) or from source code (Option 2).

(Option 1) Build using a batch installer

In the tools directory you can find the script install.bat. You must indicate the path to your vcpkg installation directory.

  • Usage: install.bat <path_to_vcpkg>
  • Example: install.bat c:\vcpkg

(Option 2) Build from source code

If you prefer, you can build Khiva step by step. First, go to the source directory.

  • Run choco install cmake.install -NoNewWindow -Wait Note: Add the installation path to the environment variable path and before than chocolately environment variable path.
  • Run choco install doxygen.install -NoNewWindow -Wait.
  • Run choco install graphviz -NoNewWindow -Wait.
  • Run python -m pip install --upgrade pip.
  • Run pip3 install sphinx breathe sphinx_rtd_theme.
  • Run vcpkg install --triplet x64-windows gtest eigen3 benchmark boost.
  • Create a build folder in the root path of the project.
  • Browse inside the build folder.
  • Run git submodule update --init
  • Run cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="<PATH_TO_VPKG>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" -DKHIVA_USE_CONAN=OFF -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" (Note: Replace <PATH_TO_VPKG> with your vcpkg installation path and do not forget to clean the build directory everytime before running this command).
  • Run cmake --build . --config Release -- /m to compile.

Install Khiva library

Once the build process is finished you can install the library in your system folder:

  • Run cmake --build . --config Release --target install to install.

Generating the Khiva installer

We use CPack and NSIS to generate the installer.

Notes: Before generating the installer, the project has to be built by following the previous Build from source code section. The generated package is stored in the build folder.

  • Run choco install nsis -NoNewWindow -Wait.
  • The installer can be generated running the command cpack -G NSIS.

Note: We use the cpack command from cmake, be aware chocolatey has another cpack command. If you cannot run the proper command, check out the path from cmake is placed before the path from chocolatey in the environment variable path.

Generating documentation

  • Run pip install sphinx to install Sphinx.
  • Browse to the root path of the project.
  • Run sphinx-build.exe -b html doc/sphinx/source/ build/doc/html/.

Linux users



  • Install Python-64bits or run apt-get install python3 python3-pip, 32-bits version won't work.

  • Download ArrayFire 3.6.2.

  • Install ArrayFire:

    ./Arrayfire_* --include-subdir --prefix=/opt
    echo /opt/arrayfire/lib64 > /etc/
    sudo ldconfig
  • Install opencl libraries. Follow Intel guide

Once we have installed all Khiva dependencies, we are ready to install Khiva from source code or by using the installers.

Build from source code

  • Install conan, c++ package manager, preferably running pip install conan. For more information and alternative installation options, please refer to conan manual page.
  • Run:
    git submodule update --init
    mkdir build && cd build
    conan install .. --build missing
    cmake ..
    make -j8

Install Khiva library from source code

  • Run make install.

Generating the Khiva installer

The CPack utility from cmake is used to generate the installer.

Notes: Before generating the installer, the project has to be built by following the Build from source code section above. The generated package is stored in the build folder.

For linux, either a deb or a rpm installer package can be generated. This is done by running the command cpack -G DEB or cpack -G RPM respectively inside the build folder.

Generating documentation

We use sphinx + doxygen to generate our documentation. You will need to install the following packages:

As root:

  • Sphinx: apt-get install python3-sphinx.
  • Doxygen: apt-get install doxygen.
  • Read the Docs Theme: pip install sphinx_rtd_theme.
  • Breathe: pip install breathe.

To generate the khiva documentation run the following command:

  • Run make documentation.

Mac OS users



  • Install Python-64bits or run brew install python3, 32-bits version won't work.
  • Install ArrayFire 3.6.2 and then execute the following lines to move the ArrayFire files from the default installation directory to the system path for libraries:
sudo mv /opt/arrayfire/include/* /usr/local/include
sudo mv /opt/arrayfire/lib/* /usr/local/lib
sudo mv /opt/arrayfire/share/* /usr/local/share
sudo rm -rf /opt/arrayfire

Once we have installed all Khiva dependencies, we are ready to install Khiva from source code or by using the installers.

Build from source code

  • First you need to install conan, c++ manager, preferably running: pip install conan For more information and alternative installation options, please refer to conan manual page.

  • Create build folder and move into the new folder: mkdir build && cd build

  • Run the commands below: git submodule update --init conan install .. --build missing cmake .. make -j8

Install Khiva library from source code

To install the library in the default system folders, run the following command inside build folder from the previous step:

  • Run make install.

Generating the Khiva installer

For Mac OS, the installer can be generated by running the command cpack -G productbuild inside the build folder.

Generating documentation

We use sphinx + doxygen to generate our documentation. You will need to install the following packages:

  • Sphinx: brew install sphinx.
  • Doxygen: brew install doxygen.
  • Read the Docs Theme: pip install sphinx_rtd_theme.
  • Breathe: pip install breathe.

To generate the khiva documentation run the following command.

  • make documentation.