It only works for generic programming.
Types: 1. Container: (i) Associated set: Set, Map, multiset, multimap (ii) Derived set: stack, queue, priority queue. (iii) Sequence Set: vector, deque, list Algorithms Iterator.
vector: a vector is a class that creates a dynamic array alowing insertions and deletions at the back.
list: list is the sequence containers that allow the insertions and deletions from anywhere.
deque: deque is the double ended queue that allows the insertion and deletion from both the ends.
set: set is an associate container for storing unique sets.
multiset: multiset is an associate container for storing non-unique sets.
map: map is an associate container for storing unique key value pairs i.e., each key is associated with only one value.
multimap: It is an associate container for storing key-value pair, and each key can be associated with more than one value.
stack: it follows last in first out
queue: it follows first in first out
priority queue: first element out is always the highest priority element