Computer Architecture 23Fall Final Project author : B10901176 蔡弘祥, B10901163 張顥譽 Before running cd 01_RTL/ source How To Run source I[k] k instruction 0 leaf 1 fact 2 hw1 3 sort Example source I0 # CPU will execute "leaf" How To Clean files source ./01_RTL/ Results k instruction without cache with cache 0 leaf 77 79 1 fact 440 375 2 hw1 400 376 3 sort 1324 561 Some Github Commands Remember to save and git add, git commit before downloading upload git add . git commit -m "your comments" git push download git fetch origin <branchName> git checkout main git merge origin/<branchName> new branch git checkout -b <branchName> switch branch git checkout <branchName> delete a local branch git branch -D <branchName> delete a remote branch git push origin --delete <remoteBranchName> merge branch git checkout main git merge <branchName>