The log of my #100DaysOfCode challenge. Started on [August 24, Friday, 2018]. changed font and added new picture. Spend 20min. added some CSS. Spend 20min. added video, styled nav bar. Spend 35min. . Did baisic html learning. Spend 50min.
Total: 2h work. added grid to features and some logos to other section.
Total: 1h work. added footer, and mobile suport..
Total: 3h work. played with grid.
Total: 1h work. finished survey form. started Technical Documentation Page.
Total: 2h work. finished Technical Documentation Page.
Total: 2h30min work. worked on personal portfolio page.
Total: 3h20min finished pp page.
Total: 1h30min
Spend some time learning FCC JavaScript, no mativation at all:).
Total: 40min
Spend 4h learning JS, struggling with complex objects. I need a lot of time to do simple exercise and brain power :)
Total: 4h
Spend 2h with JS stuff. Was stuck on simple exersice, spend total 5h on it.
Total: 2h
Finished FCC Introduction to JavaScript. Now working on html+css projects, finish them and will apply for Responsive Web Design Certificate.
Total: 2h
Near end ES6, so much new information, need a lot work to understand all.
Total: 4h
Finished ES6, need a lot pratice..
Total: 1h
Finished JS regular expresions, easy topic after es6 :)
Total: 1h
Was working with baisic JS exercises, big time eaters
Total: 6h
JS exercise
Total: 1h
Finished baisic fcc js problems.
Finished Object Oriented Programming FCC chapter. Not easy..
Started Functional Programming.
Total: 6h
Struggling with Functional Programming, so much time need to apply simple methods and construct logic. Big respect for developers, so much work and experience need to make code work.
Total: 4h
Mastered map, filter and reduce. lol - mastered:)
Total: 2h
Time going fast:) I thought i missed 2 days of reporting in github, no I see it's 5 days.
Finished FCC functional programing and started Intermediate Algorithm Scripting. Big time eaters.
Total: 7h
Did some JS exersices, didn't stuck like last time. Created content for new project
Total: 3h30min
Some JS exersices.
Total: 1h
Worked on,
Total: 5h
Saturday, spend very little time on
Sunday, added supprt for mobile phones, registred hosting. Only left to chechk speling.
Total: 3h
Did JS exersices and learned bootstrap.
Total: 3h