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DNS Provider Configuration

Tatsuro Shibamura edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 27 revisions

Supported DNS Providers

For DNS providers that are not supported, it is possible to implement your own API.

Amazon Route 53

App settings

  • Acmebot:Route53:AccessKey
    • IAM access key
  • Acmebot:Route53:SecretKey
    • IAM secret key
  • Acmebot:Route53:Region
    • Default AWS region

Add permissions to IAM

Acmebot requires the following permissions for Route 53 and Hosted Zone.

  • route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets
  • route53:ListResourceRecordSets
  • route53:ListHostedZones

Example IAM Policy

     "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
     "Effect": "Allow",
     "Action": [
     "Resource": "arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/YOUR_ZONE_ID"
      "Sid": "VisualEditor2",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "route53:ListHostedZones",
      "Resource": "*"

Azure DNS

App settings

  • Acmebot:AzureDns:SubscriptionId
    • Subscription ID include Azure DNS

Add access control (IAM) to Azure DNS

Open the Access Control (IAM) of the target DNS zone or resource group containing the DNS zone, and assign the role of DNS Zone Contributor to the deployed application.


Azure Private DNS (Experimental)

App settings

  • Acmebot:AzurePrivateDns:SubscriptionId
    • Subscription ID include Azure Private DNS

Add access control (IAM) to Azure Private DNS

Open the Access Control (IAM) of the target DNS zone or resource group containing the DNS zone, and assign the role of Private DNS Zone Contributor to the deployed application.


App settings

  • Acmebot:Cloudflare:ApiToken
    • API Token (requires Zone:Read and DNS:Edit permissions)

Example API Token configuration


DNS Made Easy

App settings

  • Acmebot:DnsMadeEasy:ApiKey
  • Acmebot:DnsMadeEasy:SecretKey
    • DNS Made Easy API credentials

Gandi LiveDNS

App settings

  • Acmebot:Gandi:ApiKey
    • Gandi LiveDNS API key


App settings

  • Acmebot:GoDaddy:ApiKey
  • Acmebot:GoDaddy:ApiSecret
    • GoDaddy API credentials


GoDaddy is only open to users who have more than 50 domains with the necessary API access. If you are setting it correctly but still get a fetch error, it is likely that there is a restriction by GoDaddy.

Google Cloud DNS

App settings

  • Acmebot:GoogleDns:KeyFile64

Generate key file

  1. Create a service account for your project with DNS readwrite access. (
  2. Generate and download a json keyfile.
  3. Take keyfile contents and encode them in base64
  4. Create a new application setting named Acmebot:Google:KeyFile64 and paste the base64 encoded string into it.


App settings

  • Acmebot:TransIp:CustomerName
    • The customer name / username of your TransIp account
  • Acmebot:TransIp:PrivateKeyName
    • The name of the private key in the Azure Key Vault

Custom DNS

App settings

  • Acmebot:CustomDns:Endpoint
    • Custom DNS API endpoint uri
  • Acmebot:CustomDns:ApiKey
    • Custom DNS API endpoint auth key
  • Acmebot:CustomDns:ApiKeyHeaderName
    • Custom DNS API endpoint auth HTTP header name. Default is X-Api-Key
  • Acmebot:CustomDns:PropagationSeconds
    • Time to wait for DNS changes to propagate. Default is 180

Required endpoint spec

  • List Zones

    • GET zones
    • Response body
      "id": "example_com", // Required
      "name": "", // Required
      "nameServers": ["x.x.x.x", "y.y.y.y"] // Optional
  • Upsert record

    • PUT zones/{zoneId}/records/{recordName}
      • Example zones/example_com/records/
    • Request body
      "type": "TXT",
      "ttl": 60,
      "values": ["xxxxxx", "yyyyyy"]
  • Delete record

    • DELETE zones/{zoneId}/records/{recordName}

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