[Contribution] - Your Contribution Type (e.g., Bug Fix, Feature, Documentation)
Describe the issue you're addressing or the contribution you plan to make.
Only applicable for bug fixes. Describe the steps to reproduce the bug you're fixing.
Outline the changes you plan to make. Include snippets of code if applicable.
Add any additional context about the issue here. This might include screenshots, error messages, or related issues.
Mention any related issues or pull requests here, if applicable.
Please check all the boxes below to ensure your contribution meets our standards:
- I have forked the repository and created a new branch for my changes.
- My code follows the project's coding style.
- I have tested my changes thoroughly before submitting the pull request.
- My changes don't introduce new errors or warnings.
- I have provided a descriptive pull request title and description.
- I have referenced the related issue(s) in my pull request description.
Add screenshots showcasing the changes you made, if applicable.
Feel free to modify this template to fit the specific needs of your project. When contributors open issues or pull requests, they can use this template to provide clear and structured information about their contributions.