Kristine Karstens (, Felicitas Beier (, Abhijeet Mishra ( 02 November, 2020
MAgPIE (Model for Agricultural Production and its Impacts on the Environment) is a modular open source framework for modeling global land-systems. Before looking into the code structure, we want you to understand the basic dependencies of what we call ‘modules’. The full interdependence and more detailed information can be found in our model documentation:
Here we want to shortly draw your attention on the ‘main lines’ of module interdependence.
- The future projections of population and GDP for given scenario assumptions represent the main drivers of the model.
- Food consumption patterns are derived based on the drivers and lead to a demand in primary products.
- Via trade demand patterns are translated into production patterns.
- Production with the help of biophysical yield data is translated into cropping patterns interacting with land use decisions.
- Note that this are not one way dependencies. E.g. constraints in land availability can have implications on food consumption patterns due to rising food prices for different commodities.
- Associated costs are feeding into the goal function of the cost module at the core of the model.
- Around this ‘main line’ of agricultural production modules are build
- assessing impacts and policy interactions (upper part)
- adding more detail to the production chain (lower part).
The inner core of the MAgPIE model is written in GAMS. For the execution
of the code, all parts of the code have to be put into a single file,
the full.gms
(done automatically). All code chunks are stored within
the modules
folder. Every module, representing a component of the
model, has several realizations, which are found in the modules
folder. For the final model execution, exactly one realization of each
module is chosen and included. The configuration settings that are set
in default.cfg
(or inside the run scripts) determine the realization
entering the full.gms
The goal of this exercise is to understand the basic structure of the GAMS code. After completion of this exercise, you will be able to:
- Navigate though the GAMS code of MAgPIE.
- Understand the basic structure of modules and realizations.
- Understand the basic rules of variable or parameter naming conventions and their meanings.
When you open the modules
folder you will see a long list of all
module and the include.gms
(ensuring inclusion of all modules into the
). Looking inside a module folder, every module is built
following the same structure:
The module structure contains
- input folder with overarching input files for all realizations
- realization folders containing the source code of each realization
- [module_name].gms file with module description and listing of all realizations
- several [realization_name].gms files with realization description and linking to the specific source code
New realizations can be added by keeping that structure (more in
). In that sense MAgPIE is easily extendable.
Within a realization the source code is distributed over several gms-files. This is nessessary to ensure the correct order of calculations (before, within and after the optimization). Moreover, the correct interfaces for model inputs and outputs are defined by this structure. In the following table, you see the purpose of each gms-file. Note that not every gms-files is needed in every realization.
gms.file | function |
declarations.gms | Declares all variables, equations, parameters that are central to this realization. |
equations.gms | Contains functional relationships that have to be fulfilled within the optimization. |
input.gms | Loads input from any_module/input or any_module/a_realization/input |
sets.gms | Lists sets that are used (mainly) within this specific realization or are needed for interfaces defined within this realilzation |
preloop.gms | Includes calculations to be executed before the model run. |
presolve.gms | Includes calculations to be executed before each time step. |
postsolve.gms | Includes calculations to be executed after each time step and defines output. |
nl_fix.gms | Fixes non-linear behaviour to linear behavior. |
nl_release.gms | Releases restrictions to linear behavior again. |
not_used.txt | Lists interfaces (declared in other modules) that are not used within this realization, but in other realizations of the same module |
The MAgPIE model structure is build upon the idea that every module itself is encapsulated just interacting on a clearly defined interface with other modules. This reflects the idea that every module represents a separate part of the model, that could be represented in a simple or more sophisticated manner, without relying on other modules. In this sense realizations are replaceable within a module, since all realizations of a module have to deliver/interact with the same interface variables. This is ensured by defined rules for variable and parameter naming.
The following prefixes are used within the model code:
q_ eQuations
v_ Variables
s_ Scalars
f_ File parameters - these parameters contain data read from input file
i_ Input parameters - influence the optimzation, but are not influenced by it
p_ Processing parameters - influence optimization and are being influenced by it
o_ Output parameters - influenced by optimization, but without effect on the optimization
x_ eXtremely important output parameters - output parameters, that are necessary for the model to run properly (required by external postprocessing). They must not be removed.
c_ switches from the Config.gms - parameters, that are switches to choose different scenarios
m_ Macros
The prefixes have to be extended in some cases by a second letter:
?m_ module-relevant object - This object is used by at least one module and the core code. (Changes related to this object have to be performed carefully).
?00_ (a 2-digit number) module-only object - This 2-digit number defines the module the object belongs to. This object is only used by the respective module. (It makes sure that different modules do not contain the same object).
Note that sets are treated slightly differently: Instead of adding a prefix sets have a 2-digit number suffix (defining the number of the module in which the set is exclusively used). If the set is used in more than one module, it does not have any suffix.
In other cases, the prefixes have to be extended by a second letter:
?c_ value for the Current timestep - necessary for constraints. Each *c_-object must have a time-dependent counterpart
?q_ parameter containing the values of an equation
?v_ parameter containing the values of a variable
Suffixes indicate the level of aggregation of an object:
(no suffix) highest disaggregation available
_(setname) aggregation over set
_reg regional aggregation (exception)
_glo global aggregation (exception)
- Document version history :