A simple book inventory application demonstrating the power of GraphQL with a Node.js backend and a React.js frontend. This project serves as a learning sandbox for implementing GraphQL queries and mutations, allowing users to add books to an inventory and view a list of these books.
- Add Books: Users can input book information through a form in the frontend.
- View Books List: Users can see a list of all books added to the inventory.
These instructions will guide you through setting up and running the project locally on your machine.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (preferably the latest stable version)
- npm (comes with Node.js)
- Clone the repository
git clone [https://github.com/<your-github-username>/graphql-book-inventory.git](https://github.com/shreyasskasetty/graphQL-miniproject)https://github.com/shreyasskasetty/graphQL-miniproject
cd server
- Install Backend Dependencies Navigate to the backend directory and install the necessary packages:
cd server
npm install
nodemon app
- Install Frontend Dependencies Open a new terminal window, navigate to the frontend directory from the root of the project, and install the dependencies:
cd client
npm install
npm start
To Add a Book: Navigate to the add book form on the frontend, fill in the details (title, author, published date), and submit. To View Books: The homepage displays a list of all the books in the inventory.
- Node.js - Backend server environment
- GraphQL - Data query language
- React.js - Frontend framework
- Shreyas Shivakumar Kasetty - shreyasskasetty