This Helm chart installs collectorset-controller. A LogicMonitor account is required.
Install Collectorset-controller:
Get the configuration file downloaded from the LogicMonitor UI or you can create from the template here.
Update configuration parameters in configuration file.
# Export the configuration file path & use it in the helm command.
$ export COLLECTORSET_CONTROLLER_CONF_FILE=<collectorset-controller-configuration-file-path>
$ helm upgrade \
--install \
--debug \
--wait \
--namespace="$NAMESPACE" \
collectorset-controller logicmonitor/collectorset-controller
Required Values:
- accessID (default:
): The LogicMonitor API key ID. - accessKey (default:
): The LogicMonitor API key. - account (default:
): The LogicMonitor account name. - debug (default:
): To enable verbose logging at debug level.
Optional Values:
- enableRBAC (default:
): Enable RBAC. If your cluster does not have RBAC enabled, this value should be set to false. - etcdDiscoveryToken (default:
): The public etcd discovery token used to add etcd hosts to the cluster device group. - imagePullPolicy (default:
): The image pull policy of the Collectorset-controller container. - imageRepository (default:
): The image repository of the Collectorset-controller container. - imageTag: The image tag of the Collectorset-controller container.
- proxyURL (default:
): The Http/s proxy url. - proxyUser (default:
): The Http/s proxy username. - proxyPass (default:
): The Http/s proxy password. - nodeSelector (default:
): It provides the simplest way to run Pod on particular Node(s) based on labels on the node. - affinity (default:
): It allows you to constrain which nodes your pod is eligible to be scheduled on. - priorityClassName (default:
): The priority class name for Pod priority. If this parameter is set then user must have PriorityClass resource created otherwise Pod will be rejected. - tolerations (default:
): Tolerations are applied to pods, and allow the pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints.
Tolerations Example
$ helm upgrade --reuse-values \
--set tolerations[0].key="key1" \
--set tolerations[0].operator="Equal" \
--set tolerations[0].value="value1" \
--set tolerations[0].effect="NoSchedule" \
collectorset-controller logicmonitor/collectorset-controller